Get An Update on Management of Cancer Pain in Primary Care. On this webcast, we’ll be discussing the important topic of Cancer Pain. For this topic, we’ve invited two of Ohio State University’s Palliative Care experts. First, we have Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Dr Sachin Kale. Sach is the director of Ambulatory Palliative Care at Ohio State University James Cancer Hospital. And we’re also delighted to introduce Maureen Saphire who is a Doctor of Pharmacy and special practice pharmacist in Palliative Medicine at the James Cancer Hospital and heads up Opioid Stewardship. Today, their presentation will focus on pain management in cancer survivors.
What you’ll learn in this webcast
As a result of this educational activity, webcast participants will be able to:
- Describe a comprehensive approach to assessing and managing pain in cancer survivors
- Implement a universal precautions approach for opioid prescribing
- Describe a comprehensive approach to assessing and managing pain in cancer survivors
- Implement a universal precautions approach for opioid prescribing
You’ll also learn about the following:
- Cancer Survivors
- Collaborating with Pharmacists
- Social Determinants of Health
- Tapering Opioids
- Buprenorphine
- Substance Use Disorder
You can find this and many other MedNet21 programs on the OSU – CCME website.
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