1. It is really important to do not stay away from others. Online learning sometimes will be lonly because there is no interactions with classmates. In this course we learned some techonologies to help online students connect with each other. The most frequently used is the discussion board, where we have a lot of interaction due to the homework. I see lots of interesting and opposite opinions. Another one I used usually but not for online classes is Zoom. I used it to facial chatting with my friends and we can watch videos or play game together through using screen share. Moreover, office hour is good way to ensure the learning process and sharing probelms with professional one. Ther are many ways to have interesting online courses experiences.
  2. Setting goals is one of the most important thing not only for online learning but also for everyday life.  A goal does not need to be very big. It can be as small as I will get up at 8 am tomorrow or as big as I want an annual salary of 2 billions dollars. With a goal, people will have motivation and when they achieve the goal, the sense of achievement is really enjoyable. And motivations is really significant in online courses. People always do assignments of online courses alone and sometimes it is really tired and do not want to do anything after a long day’s work. A goal setting can stimulate people to work hard to accomplish it.
  3. Do not cheat yourself that you do not do good work because of the teaching style is not fit your learning style. I can get better through online courses and it seems I am suitable for distance learning but the reason why I get good grades is not I learn through internet but is I want to learn and I work hard so I get good grades. You cannot control you brain to do not get information if you pay attention to something. If you are not focus on it, you will get less information but that is not because you don’t like the way get information. It is unreaosnable that you do not like to watch something but like to listen something. Do not have an impression of I cannot do as well as others if we do not learn through my learning style.


Taking notes always takes an important part in learning. Good note taking is not only take notes as specific as impossible but with some skills and in a way can help people learn best and most quickly.

In the article it gives 12 suggestions about how to improve note taking.

The technology I used most for note taking is called Notability in iPad. This app works both for people who like handwriting or typing notes. When takes notes of some definitions, I prefer to use type and then I can use apple pen to highlight what is important. It has pen and mark pen for different writing needs. Besides, there are multiple choices  of colors, size of words and fonts. It is easily to use Notability to create a clear note. Moreover, the Notability can record during note taking. It is useful when face some difficult terms. And the notes can shared as PDF or printed out to help me review what have learned.


Making a schedule is a great way to have a more productive, efficient, and organized life. With a schedule, that can relax your brain and avoid forgetting things important.

The website introduces the methods of making a good schedule to help to improve the life and help people manage their time.

A good techonology for students to manage their time is  trello. This is a picture of my trello page.

Simply I just add the assignments of this week and some exams upcoming next week. I like the features that can add tag to the card and put the board to the homepage of phone. This can easily remind me what should do every time I open my phone. I am a person easily forget things without reminder. The to do list in carmen is the thing I depend on before. But sometimes the assignments did not listed in the list and I easily miss the assignment. I just cannot remember to post my reply on discussion board on Friday because the due date shows in carmen is Sunday. So I am really glad to have trello. It is really useful.