Cultural Experience

The older boys and other kids were very interested in the system and they were instrumental in the assembly and implementation. They performed most of the digging necessary to place the fish tank under the ground, and they helped with the time-consuming task of cleaning the gravel. Besides that, they were present of much of the time the system was being put into place and asked questions about how it works and its upkeep. 

The team had to adjust to the culture norms when it came to the work day. At some points, the pace was slower and the environment was relaxed. Due to this, the team had to plan ahead when they needed a material. For example, when water was needed from the river, the team informed the driver in the morning. That way, the team was able to go the river after lunch. Even though the work days were more relaxed, it made the work more enjoyable. The team got a lot more done each day than was expected, and it was because they enjoyed the work and the atmosphere.

The willingness to help from everyone at Montaña de Luz is what drove all of the teams to success within their projects. All of the Tíos and Tías were more than happy to help with whatever the team needed, whenever they needed. However, it was not just the staff at MdL that contributed a great deal to the projects. All of the other teams were willing to help each other. Other teams helped the Aquaponics Team cut and stain wood. They were helping hands any time the team needed help. The teamwork demonstrated by all teams collectively was what drove all of the projects to success.