About Me

Hello, my name is Katharine McDonald. I am a first year business student at The Ohio State University Max M. Fisher College of Business. I am a marketing major and I am a member of the Business Scholars program.

Currently, my goal for my career is to work in the marketing field within the cosmetics industry. I have been keenly interested in this industry for years now. My passion for this industry began five years ago as a hobby, but since then it has evolved into something I am passionate about pursuing for my career. While in high school, I continued my interest by starting a cosmetics blog. Additionally,  I further developed my interest in this industry as a career by taking part in multiple summer business programs. I attended a multi day business program for high school students through the Network of Executive Women. Through this program I was able to further expand my understanding of the various areas, career paths, and applications of business. I also attended the Harvard Weekend Business Academy to broaden my experience and understanding of business, particularly in entrepreneurship.

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