
To complete the G portion of G.O.A.L.S. I want to study abroad in Spain. The G is for global awareness and I want to be able to travel and learn new things about new cultures and countries. I also think it would be fun for me to study abroad because I am a Spanish minor so going to a Spanish speaking country will help me grab a better aspect of the language to use after I graduate. For the O, I am already taking honors level classes and in my honors physiology class we are doing a research project as well as our REP projects. I’m excited to do research about a specific thing and be able to conduct an experiment and test whether or not the idea my group is testing is true or not. In psychology we also have our “Mythbusters” assignment where we are finding research and conducting surveys, experiments, etc. to prove that incorrect beliefs in the physiological world are false. For Academic Enrichment, I plan to continue to take classes that go with my major and minor, and possibly add another minor that could help me in the future. As of right now I am a pre med psychology major with a Spanish minor. I may add a minor involving children or development because I want to be a pediatric and adolescent psychiatrist and help young people dealing with mental health issues. I added my Spanish minor because I want to add onto the Spanish I already know from growing up and that I learned in high school and master that to be able to help a wider range of people who may not know English. For the Leadership Development portion I plan to become more involved in student activities. I am already involved in the Students for Refugees club and I am about to start working at Sloopy’s diner. I pan to become more involved in more political student clubs and clubs involved with mental health because it will be beneficial to me because I have mental illness and I can learn from other people and their experiences in my future career. For the final part of G.O.A.L.S., I plan to do more service and volunteer work for the students for refugees to help refugees become situated in the United States. For my volunteering I want to help teach refugees English and I want to help tutor young children.