Older News

5/2021: Yangyang graduates!

3/2021: Andy wins a 2021 Lumley Research Award from the OSU College of Engineering!

3/2021: Andy completes “Better Research through Better Mentoring” training.

2/2021: Yangyang’s paper (co-authored with Andy, Dr. Jordan Clark, Mr. Matt Young, and Ms. Morgan Wickey) in Science and Technology for the Built Environment wins the 2020 Best Paper Award from ASHRAE!

10/2020: Hanyang presents some of her PhD work during the virtual 38th Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research.

5/2020: Andy receives certification from the OSU College of Engineering’s Inclusive Excellence Certificate Program.

5/2020: Andy receives a 2020 Excellence in Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award from the OSU Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry.

5/2020: Hanyang graduates!

10/2019: Dr. May, Hanyang, and Yangyang present research at the 37th Annual Conference of the American Association for Aerosol Research in Portland, OR.

6/2019: Dr. May and Dr. Clark present some of their ASHRAE work at the ASHRAE Annual Meeting in Kansas City, KS.

5/2019: Dr. May presents some of Anjelica’s MS work at the 2019 AEESP Research and Education Conference in Tempe, AZ.

4/2019: Alex will be the summer as a researcher in the ESMEI program at Colorado State University, working with Dr. Jeff Collett. She is one of four (!) students who attends a school in Ohio who will be participating (OSU: 2; Ohio U: 2).

4/2019: Anjelica defends and starts a job with the Ohio EPA!

1/2019: Yangyang passes her PhD Candidacy exam!

12/2018: Hanyang passes her PhD Candidacy exam!

5/2018: Johnson graduates with his MS!

7/2017: Dr. May (in collaboration with Dr. Jordan Clark) is awarded funding through ASHRAE to evaluate particle sensors for indoor air quality monitoring and smart building systems.

3/2017: One of Dr. May’s projects (in collaboration with Drs. Mark McCord and Rabi Mishalani) is mentioned in a press release from OSU Transportation and Traffic Management.

2/2017: Dr. May and Dr. Hyder are mentioned in an NIEHS newsletter regarding their participation in a roundtable hosted by the South Big Data Regional Innovation Hub.

12/2016: Nancy graduates!

11/2016: Nancy successfully defends her MS!

10/2016-11/2016: Hanyang goes to Montana to participate in the first lab portion of FIREX.

8/2016: Dr. May (in collaboration with Dr. Ayaz Hyder from the OSU College of Public Health) received a NSF grant related to Citizen Science. For this project, they will collaborate with Hilliard-Davidson High School’s Engineering Design and Development class to deploy low-cost air quality sensors throughout the district.

6/2016: General Motors made a gracious donation of two MKS FTIR to the Center for Automotive Research. Dr. May and Bailey have these up and running for vehicle emissions characterization!

5/2016: Dr. May will host two visiting scholars over the summer: Gustavo de Oliveira (Sao Paulo State University, Sorocaba) and Abigail Kaye (Stevens Institute of Technology)

4/2016: Dr. May will receive funding through the OSU CAR Membership Program to investigate emissions that occur during gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle restart events.

2/2016: Dr. May’s proposal (in collaboration with Dr. Gavin McMeeking of Handix Scientific, LLC) to the NOAA FIREX call was recommended for funding. This work will conduct an inter-comparison among different black carbon instruments to investigate, quantify, and constrain uncertainties associated with black carbon emissions from open biomass burning. UPDATE (5/2016): Funding was made official!

7/2015: Research team of Dr. Sivandran, Dr. Mishalani, Dr. McCord, and Dr. May receive funding from NEXTRANS, the US Department of Transportation Region V University Transportation Center, to investigate transportation-related pollution via low-cost sensor technologies and a novel mobile platform, the OSU Campus Area Bus Service.

6/2015: Laboratory renovations of Hitchcock 008 are completed.

10/2014: Dr. May presents post-doctoral work at the annual AAAR conference in Orlando, FL.