
Global Awareness: Global awareness is extremely important, especially at Ohio State, which has such a diverse environment and student body. I plan to work towards the goal of global awareness in many different ways. There are even a few ways I have been working towards this goal already. For example, I’m involved in the London Honors class, which is a class about various aspects of British culture and life. At the end of the semester, over winter break, our class gets to travel to London together to use the information we’ve learned throughout the semester and actually observe the culture in person. This is a great opportunity to expand my knowledge of global culture and it will definitely make me more aware of how people outside of the United States interact with one another and what traditions and behaviors are different or similar from American citizens. Another way I’m expanding my global awareness is by attending various different political events. I was blessed with the opportunity to hear Elizabeth Warren speak and even meet her after the event, since I helped register people at the event to vote. I also was able to see Hillary Clinton speak this past October when she came to campus to encourage students to vote. It was such an amazing experience, and it definitely opened my eyes to the different issues plaguing our country today and it inflamed my passion for social justice.

Original Inquiry: Ohio State is such an amazing institution, especially for research. There are so many distinguished professors that are working on studies and experiments, and they are usually always willing to work with undergraduate students. I plan to get involved with research throughout all four of my undergraduate years at Ohio State. I am already a research assistant at Dr. Vasey’s lab in the Psychology Department, helping to study the effect of anxiety disorders on reasoning functions in the brain. I get to run the study, helping patients get hooked up to an EKG, analyzing heart rates, and interacting with the patients throughout the study and going over the informed consent process with them. It is such a great opportunity to delve deeper into topics you’re interested in, and I absolutely love it. I hope to do research with someone in the Neuroscience Department throughout my time here at OSU, and possibly even complete a research thesis sometime in my junior year.
Academic Enrichment: Academics have always been a priority in my life, and I have always tried to challenge myself to work the hardest I can with my course load and types of courses I take. As an Honors student, this is still true. I am majoring in psychology, minoring in neuroscience, and am on a pre-health track. Therefore, I have a lot of classes I need to take before I graduate, but this doesn’t worry me, because I have a huge passion for science and how the human brain is tied to behavior. I want to take as many science courses as possible, and am very excited about all the prerequisites for pre-health that will increase my knowledge and passion for science. I’m also thrilled to take all the interesting classes for both my psychology major as well as my neuroscience minor. In order to achieve the goal of academic enrichment, I plan to take as many honors classes as possible, since that will provide me a challenging curriculum and an advanced schedule. I used my academic plan to space out my many science classes throughout my four years with other GE’s that don’t contribute to my major, minor, or pre-medical requisites, but still interest me. I am most excited to take my literature GE, which is called “Literature and the Self”. It delves into the psychology in literature; even though this does relate to my major, it also combines it with my love for reading and books.
Leadership Development: I want to take full advantage of everything Ohio State has to offer, and the best way to do this is to take active roles in leadership. As of right now, other than my research position at the Psychology Department, I am a part of Buckeye Campaign Against Suicide, The Grove, and a few other clubs. I hope to get more involved in these clubs as my time at Ohio State progresses. I also plan to get a job sometime in my four years, so that I can begin to save up money for medical school and get a head start on saving to pay off my student loans. Over the summer, I am planning to apply for internships. I am hoping that I will get to shadow a psychiatrist and see how the profession in person, and that I will gain some early medical experience. Hopefully, I will be able to apply for leadership positions in the clubs and organizations I am involved with, so I can better my leadership skills.
Service Engagement: Service is important, and I’m glad that Ohio State puts a big emphasis on it. Volunteering helps better the community and I am proud that I have the chance to better Ohio State and Columbus. Next semester, I plan to apply to become a volunteer at the Columbus Suicide Hotline. I feel like this is such an amazing opportunity to help people in need of a listener, and even though it will be a huge time commitment, I am willing to put aside the time because in the future, when I am a psychiatrist, I will be doing exactly this in my job. I also hope to volunteer at a penitentiary close to here, teaching prisoners about different things. I have a friend in Morrill Scholars who does this, and it sounds very interesting to me. I want to be able to help the community prosper, and by engaging in service, I can also subsequently work towards my goal of service engagement.