This website aims to provide resources to teachers and facilitate discourse between participants.
Teacher Testimonials
The materials, information, and experience I have gained from participating in the MSP program has been valuable in ways I never anticipated. I was excited to teach Materials Science because I know that it shows students the connections between science class and their every day lives in a way no other class I’ve taught can, but what I did not anticipate was the fundamental way it would change my own understanding of the world around me and revolutionize the way I teach everything. In my 10th year of teaching, I am more excited and passionate about concepts of physics and chemistry than I have ever been. The labs and demos have such wide-reaching applications that I learn new ways to use them every time I attend an MSP session. And my renewed energy and passion transfers to my students in a way I never thought possible. I have overheard more students this year talking about how much they enjoy my class and heard more gasps and “OH!” moments of epiphany than in my previous 9 years combined. I can’t wait to see what year 2 of MSP has in store.
Justin Foley
2016-2017: Whetstone HS, 2 sections Materials Science, 3 sections Physical Science
2017-2018: I will have 1 section of AP Chem, 2 pre-AP/IB chem, and 2 Chem.
Attending the Material Science workshops have been an incredible boost to helping me learn ways to connect real world application to Chemistry topics. Learning, tinkering and sharing with other like-minded, enthusiastic Science professionals has been an absolute joy and I know that my students have benefitted greatly as well. I whole-heartedly recommend the program!
Jennifer Agin
Chemistry Teacher
“I have been a part of the MSP Materials Science program for the majority of my (albeit short) teaching career. I wholeheartedly believe that this program, while initially intensive in content delivery, has developed into a rich and worthwhile cohort of creative, motivated teachers who are able to exchange not only lesson planning and delivery ideas, but connections within the content that our students value and are motivated to learn. I am definitely much more successful in the classroom because of this network of professionals.”
Kathryn Ward
Materials Science, Biology, and Chemistry Teacher at Upper Arlington High School
Material Science has changed my approach to teaching science. Rather than following some “logical” and “linear” sequence, we are more likely to jump into the middle of a situation and branch out into different learning standards as student questions lead us.
I am less afraid to try something that I have no idea how it will work out.
It has excited me about what I don’t know!
Cody Thompson
Franklin Heights High School