Guided Notes for Corrosion

Name of lesson:
Guided Notes for Corrosion

Short Description of Lesson:

These notes are based on videos on YouTube. I found this helpful for students who had to miss labs.

NACE “Spotlight on Corrosion”
NACE “Bridge Corrosion”
Corrosion of Metals, “The Fuse School”
3 ways to prevent corrosion (no video)
Chemistry of Corrosion (no video)



“Shrink to Fit” Polystyrene

Name of lesson:
“Shrink to Fit” Polystyrene

Short Description of Lesson:

The shrinky dink PS sheets can be found at Star Beacon (Goodale Ave).
This worksheet goes with the write-up in the ASM manual. We’ve found that some students do well with a written reference sheet at the tables.
I like to ask the students if they notice a similarity between the PS shapes getting smaller area & “elongation” (greater thickness), and what happens to a metal during necking.


Critical Crayons Design Challenge

More details about this lesson are in the files below developed by Dr. Howard Greene.  This lesson was featured in the most recent PD session on February 9, 2017.

TEK8 Critical Crayons Presentation-1a4dehm

TEK8 Teacher Recruitment Flyer 2017_HLG-1lsll5g

Critical Crayons Videos – TEK8 Design challenges -> 2014 TEK8 -> “Critical Crayons Demonstration” and “Critical Crayons Telling the Story”