ESEPSY 1159 Module 7 Blog Post

Ah, my last blog post.  I can honestly say I have enjoyed this class a lot more than I thought I was going to.  The lessons really helped me develop my time management and study skills which have needed improvement for way to long.  I think my biggest problem was always motivating myself to get started.  I have a lost of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational sources but my fear of failure always holds me back from confidently attacking my assignments head on. Instead, I let my deadlines dictate my life and complete my assignments just so I don’t fail.  I haven’t completely resolved this issue but I have started to improve the way I view my school work.  I have a lot of long term goals for myself,  I want it so badly that I’m terrified of what will happen if I don’t reach them.  I have started to use this fear as a more positive motivator and now I know that as long as I do everything I can possibly do to achieve my goals, I will be proud of myself no matter what.  This is my new  motivation and it has already helped me improve my study habits and reduce my distractions.  I embrace the help of technology and also know when to distance myself from it.  My best advice that I could give for a student is give yourself a reason to succeed;  find something that you want to achieve more than anything and I promise you that once you have this goal for yourself, you will have the motivation to do whatever it takes to get it done.

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