
In the OSU honors program, the G.O.A.L.S are an important component that allow you to take advantage of everything this school and program have to offer and better prepare for a future off campus. For my four years here, I have many plans on how I will complete each aspect in order to succeed in the program and in my later endeavors.
G: Global Awareness. This first category is probably the one I’m most excited to explore. Having already lived abroad for a year before heading to OSU, I’m interested in finding a study abroad program. I plan to head to Spain or Latin America in order to continue my practice with Spanish and get credits towards my Spanish major.
O: Original Inquiry. This segment of G.O.A.L.S is probably the most daunting for me; however, I plan to tackle it with the same enthusiasm as the other segments. Once I elect a concrete plan for my majors, I will have a better idea of what kind of research I would like to do, but as of now, I’m interested in the possibility of doing research in the Linguistics or language acquisition fields. This could relate to a study of single vs multiple language acquisition in childhood, or another topic in this field.
A: Academic Enrichment. As of the current moment, I am still officially an Undecided major, although I plan to double major in Spanish and another field. For this reason, I’m taking, and planning to take, a diverse course-load to fulfill my GE’s and also to explore what I would like to continue studying. This includes courses I have never been exposed to before this year like Linguistics 2000H and Psychology 1100H, to classes I took and enjoyed in high school and would like to explore more in depth like Chemistry and Biology. I am also pursuing a rigorous Spanish course-load, currently 3401 Advanced Grammar, to fulfill the major requirements.
L: Leadership Development. I have just recently started a part-time job at a university dining facility. At home, I really enjoyed working (also in a restaurant setting) and I’m excited to continue here at school. There are also many opportunities for advancement and leadership that I plan to take advantage of in the future.
S: Serviced Engagement. Although I have not yet been involved in a service project, I do have plans to and I have been looking into a few options, specifically regarding the Spanish-speaking community of Columbus. Having a background in Spanish, as well as a certification to teach English, I hope to be able to use these skills to help this community while also putting to use and practicing my Spanish language skills. I’m also thinking about the possibility of starting a student organization related to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or service within the Spanish-speaking community in general, as it is a topic I’m very passionate about and plan to continue post-graduation.