Quiz Answers with Rational

1. When evaluating for a major depression diagnosis which of the following symptoms would be considered? (select all that apply)

a) insomnia
c) feelings of chronic and uncontrolled sadness
e) > 5% weight gain

Symptoms of major depression include: depressed or irritable mood, loss of interests and pleasure, significant weight gain or loss in one month, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, poor concentration or indecisiveness, recent thoughts of death or suicide.

2. Major depression is associated with deficits in which neurotransmitters

d) all of the above

According to the monoamine hypothesis of depression in which a deficit in concentration in brain norepinephrine, dopamine, and/or serotonin is the underlying cause of depression.

3. Chronic activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA system results inflammation related to which hormone?

c) Cortisol

People with major depression are found in large percentage (30%-70%) to have chronic activation of the HPA system and elevated glucocorticoid stimulation leading to increased cortisol levels and chronic inflammation. Uncontrolled stress activated not only the HPA system but also the immune system which may further contribute to the development of depression.

4. Which of the following demographic categories in the United States are at most risk for development of depression?

b) Post-adolescent women

In the United States the prevalence rate of depression is 16.2% of the population with a 2 times greater risk in women than women after adolescents. In children and adolescents 2%-6% suffer from depression.

5. Which factors increase risk for suicide of those who suffer from major depression?

d) Answer A and C

Suicidal risk increases in depression for those individuals that live alone, have been divorced, have prior history of drug abuse, history of suicide attempt, or have depression at midlife or older ages.