Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Psychology
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
PhD in Social Psychology, 2014
Dissertation Title: Cross Category Coalitions: Reducing Bias across Identity Dimensions in Intra-minority Intergroup Relations
Dissertation Title: Cross Category Coalitions: Reducing Bias across Identity Dimensions in Intra-minority Intergroup Relations
M.S. in Social Psychology, 2010
Thesis Title: Coalition or Derogation? How Reminders of Racism Influence Intra-minority Relations
Thesis Title: Coalition or Derogation? How Reminders of Racism Influence Intra-minority Relations
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
B.A. in Psychology with Distinction in Psychological Research, 2008
Thesis Title: Why Bother? Lay Theories of Prejudice and Intentions to Confront
Thesis Title: Why Bother? Lay Theories of Prejudice and Intentions to Confront