Semester in Review

As I’m nearing the end of my semester at Ohio State, I look back and see many areas where I’ve grown and many things that I’ve learned. Coming to Ohio State and college in general, I’ve had to adapt in many ways, including both academically and socially/emotionally. Academically, I have had to learn new strategies in order to be successful and learn the more rigorous material. This included being more independent by taking more initiative in my studies and reaching out to faculty and asking for help in much more extensive ways than I ever had to in high school. Emotionally and socially, living in a dorm with multiple roommates have made me adapt to living with others and their needs. This has included becoming more considerate of others’ needs and learning how to become more flexible.

So far, I have enjoyed the many aspects of college life and being here at Ohio State. I am continually reminded of why I chose to come to such an amazing institution, providing me with excellent and accommodating academics, as well as endless opportunities to make my time here truly exceptional! I am looking forward to many more semesters as a buckeye as I have only just started my journey!

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