London not forgotten

London was a great experience, one that I will cherish forever. This trip was my first trip ever out of the country. I have traveled many times before but this was filled with many new experiences. My favorite thing about this trip was how I got the opportunity to form new friendships and strength existing ones. The day I enjoyed the most was our bus day. I got to see an ancient site that has stood for many years. Also seeing a magnificent landscape that was probably during one of the more beautiful days we could have visited it was amazing. I learned about Stourhead so many times but actually physically visiting and see it instead of just in pictures will be cherished forever.

Although I miss London I am glad to be back home and share all my experiencias with friends and family. I didn’t really have jet lag after returning but I do feel refreshed and ready for the last few weeks of the semester. This trip has made me want to travel the world even more and I hope that this is a start to a new addiction of going to new places and experiencing new things.

Good bye for now London…but not forever!

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