Bus Day/Kew Gardens

Bus Day

Today was our tour of the countryside and one of my favorite days. We took a bus the whole day. The day started out with us waking up earlier than usual and heading out to Stonehenge. The ride was very long and I was able to fall asleep on the way out. When I woke up I saw many roping green hills and then Stonehenge appeared. At Stonehenge I felt really calm and relaxed just admiring the stones and surrounding landscape. After we were through at Stonehenge we headed to Stourhead. Upon a few travel “hiccups” our travel lasted longer. Arriving at stout head was very nice because we traveled through the town around it and experienced it in a new way. Stourhead is one of my favorite gardens in England that I studied in my theory class. While walking through the garden it feels like it has always been there and in the back of my mind I kept reminding myself it was all constructed and made a specific way. I got lost in my sketching there and lost track of time making me hurry through the last part but still able to experience the garden. We ended our bus trip going to Salisbury and touring the cathedral and the town town around it. We then head home and a group of us went out to get authentic Pad Thai.

Kew Garden and Tube Learning

This day is another one of my favorite days thus far. We traveled out of the city again to the Royal Conservatory and Kew Gardens. I attempted to walk the whole garden and see as much as I could before we had to leave. Traveling there was very long and we had to transfer a couple times. Going back was more stressful because we got to the Kew Garden station and the Tube we needed to get on was cancelled twice. We were then saved by a mysterious District line when we were worried about what to do. While on the line we were able to figure out the multiple routes we needed to take. We still got a little frightened when that mysterious train terminated at the stop but we were able to hop on the right one right away. We were able to make it back to St Giles and on our way to the Group Tea at the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square.04565300-B392-4869-A3DB-FAEFC23E07ED-2lnctpx

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