Let’s GO! – Pre-departure Post – Emoree

Weeks and months of preparation have lead up to this! In a few short days my classmates and I will be flying to London, England. The packing list has been made, my free day is planned, and the phone company has been called. I am looking forward to so much.

Because London is a culmination of both new and old, the dichotomy will be a thought provoking factor of the trip. For example, I am excited to see places like King’s Cross station with it’s ancient appeal mixed with the contemporary sun shading. The 50/50 effects will be something I look forward to diagramming.

That being said, on a more personal note, I really love movies so I am pumped to go to filming locations from several movies including Harry Potter, Paddington, Notting Hill, etc. It’s quite inspiring as someone who hopes to work in the film industry and exhibit design to see these places.

Adrenaline is pumping, I’m ready to go yesterday. I have hopes that our flight will be smooth, customs will be easy, and that everyone will make it on time. This is something I’ve wanted to do since I was in kindergarten and thanks to the OSU STEP program I will be able to.  Let’s GO!!!


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