Elena’s bio

Hi everyone!! My name is Elena, and I am a freshman in architecture major. I am from Yangzhou, in the east coast of China, a city near Shanghai. It is a beautiful city. I really enjoy travelling with my families, and explore different architecture in the world. In the past few years, we went to Hong Kong, Beijing, Thailand, Saipan, Germany. I stayed in Canada for three years for my high school. Before I studied abroad, I played piano and drum for years. I like photography, sketching, and play basketball. I am very interested of the architecture, studios, and dessert in London.

I first learned about architecture when I read “The Memoirs of Lin Huiyin.” The autobiographical book was written by the wife of Liang Sichen, one of China’s greatest 20th century architects. He dedicated his life to studying and protecting ancient Chinese architecture, playing an influential role in the development of modern Beijing. Prior to World War II, he even wrote a booklet about ancient national architecture and provided it to the government, who subsequently made sure that the valuable architectural heritages were not bombed. Reading about Liang, I realized that as an architect, I can contribute to cultural heritage and protect valuable national treasures. Later, while volunteering at the Shengji Art School for Orphans, I continued to develop my passion for architecture.

in beijing

in canada

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