Gabe’s Bio

Hey everyone,

My name is Gabe Gerstner and I am a 4th year civil engineering student with a minor in architecture. Although architecture is not my major I have enjoyed every class that I have taken so far, I have learned so many interesting things that I will not only be able to take into my career, but I have learned so many things that have given me a new appreciation for the built environment. This class will be my last bit of credits needed fo my minor and I couldn’t be more excited to end my time spent with Knowlton on a trip to London.

I am from Austin, Minnesota, a smaller town in the southern part of the state that is best known as the town that invented SPAM, we have a museum and all. Some of my hobbies include golfing, fishing, and hiking. I am also a huge fan of live music, so if anyone wants to find something during our free time in London I’d be more than happy to attend. I have always been interested in traveling, mostly in the States, but I am excited to broaden my horizons over the Atlantic and experience something completely new to me. It’s hard to pinpoint my interest to one specific thing that we will be seeing so I’d have to say I’m just generally excited to see something new every day and experience a culture that is new to me simultaneously.


Family photo at the SPAM Museum


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