My grand English tour.

All great architects throughout history have taken grand tours of Europe. From Jefferson to Soane they have left during their studies to see the buildings and gardens that have influenced and taught them. This idea of experiencing architecture from history first hand is one of the very reasons that I came on this trip. By allowing myself to walk through and understand these buildings I believe I will be a better architect.

From St. Paul’s to Salisbury and Westminster this trip has shown me many incredible buildings from history allowing me to strengthen my foundation of classic architecture. I believe part of the grand tours architects have taken throughout history is seeing these sites back to back. By seeing them in very close time it allowed them to compare and contrast the way the buildings and sites function and exist. This is very true for my trip as well, by comparing Salisbury to Westminster and St. Paul’s in a very short week it allowed me to see what I liked and what worked in these buildings and what did not.  Salisbury was the most successful at provoking the sublime emotion and harassed context of site impeccably. Where Westminster was a site that defiantly relied on the principle more is more.  St. Paul’s cathedral was a soft building set into a beautiful intersect and carries a presence in this city that no other building has modern or historical.  Overall this grand tour of mine has been eye opening and will help me be a better architect and landscape architect in my schooling and career.  No structure is built without a foundation, and mine is being set.

