
Coming home was a sad and happy ending. I didn’t want to leave London because it was such a great city and I wish I could have stayed longer. However, I was ready for my own bed and to come back to America where the proportions for food are large and the water is free. I never thought to be grateful for large proportions and free water but now I think I am even more grateful than I was before.

The ride home was harder than the ride there for some reason. It might have been because it was a longer flight home but I still am not 100% sure. The short flight home was actually really nice compared to the short ride there. Everything was smooth and really nice.

Another thing that I was really grateful for was coming home and being able to go right to bed. I was exhausted and couldn’t imagine getting a night flight home and then having to go to school the next day. I was extremely jet-legged… like extremely. I was finally not jet-legged when I went to class on Friday. I was struggling and having a hard time adjusting. I completely forgot to check my email and I had 77 emails when I got home. That was extremely overwhelming haha! I am super glad to be home and happy that I am no longer jet-legged!

Home Sweet Home

I knew since the very first time Aimee presented this trip to us I wanted to be apart of it. I could not wait for spring break to get here. Talking about it in class just made me more anxious and ready to go. When the time actually came, it really didn’t feel real.

Now that I am home, I see how much this trip actually has meant to me. I now am able to see the subtle differences we have even though everything seems so similar. Beyond the obvious accent people of the UK have, there’s so much more. As a country that has been developed for so many years, it is obvious of the history and knowledge it holds. It maintains and grows on what it, as a nation, has achieved. They have found what works for them and have managed to keep with the traditions.

I am very pleased that although this was a trip specifically focused around architecture, I was able to learn about what interests me. There were so many different cultures in such a small area. Everywhere we went, or where I traveled alone, I heard different languages and noticed different characteristics. This grand city houses varieties of people and cultures.

What really made this trip easy was, 1) there wasn’t a language barrier. Although we sounded different, we were still able to communicate and travel. 2) I have never seen a more simple transportation system. Never in my life would I think that on the first day of being in a foreign country I would be comfortable traveling through a foreign transportation system with a small group, and we were all clueless. And then, be comfortable the next day to travel alone! It still amazes me.

Finally, I want to say that London didn’t hit me. It was magnificent and wonderful overall, but just not for me. I like differences. I like the challenges of adapting to a culture. It adds to the experience. I am still ecstatic that I was able to travel there with such wonderful people (really, I couldn’t have asked for a better group to travel with. I love all of you!), and thank you all for adding to the experience it was. I have learned so much and my travel bug has managed to grow stronger.