Reflections of days 6 and 7

Day six of the trip was great in an architectural sense. We saw many old buildings on our morning walk to Covent Garden and Sir John Jones. I really enjoyed going into Middle Temple hall and seeing the the architectural decor of the wood on the ceiling. Temple church was also very cool. I enjoyed that we could go all the way up to the top and see downward into the middle. I also was thoroughly thrilled that Temple church was the center hub or all the knights of the era. Day six was also the day of the museum of choice day and Logan, Cori and I decided to go back to Tate Modern since we felt like we didn’t have enough time to see what it had to offer the first time. I even got to use my BUCKid and get a student discount at the gift shop. That evening was also a fun time for Cori, Trace, Rachel, Logan and I. We found what we think to believe is the only free-refill soda fountain in all of London! We ate at Nando’s not too far from our hotel. Day seven was a great experience because of the office tours. I went with Troy to SOM and I am so glad I did. I loved it. Dinner on day seven at Wagamama I really enjoyed as well. Logan and I tried their fried squid as an appetizer and I got some coconut curry as my main dish.

Stained-glass windows at Temple Church

Stained-glass windows at Temple Church

Walking across Millennium Bridge!

Walking across Millennium Bridge!

Soda fountain at Nando's

Soda fountain at Nando’s

Daily Stats

Daily Stats

Westminster Abbey Facade

Westminster Abbey Facade

Logan and my appetizers at Wagamama

Logan and my appetizers at Wagamama

Coconut curry from Wagamama

Coconut curry from Wagamama

Day Seven

no pictures allowed inside, but the outside is a sight to see as well

no pictures allowed inside, but the outside is a sight to see as well

This morning began with a visit to Westminster Abbey, which was, as with nearly everything else in London, beautiful. Our tour guide was very witty, and taught us a lot about the space. My favorite part was the space devoted to distinguished scientist such as Newton and Darwin.


a funny caption found at the transportation museum

During my free time following this, I made my first tube trip alone. It was a bit nerve wracking, but I made it exactly where I needed to be! I spent my time visiting the transportation museum, which was easily the most incredible museum I’ve ever been to. First off, the place was filled with even MORE British children. The museum really catered to people of all ages. Secondly, I learned more than I ever imagined. Following free time, half of our group met up to tour the firm Allies and Morrison. I loved the many models scattered throughout the firm.


something I never would have imagined I’d like

We then met back up for a group dinner at Wagamama. Being an extremely picky eater, I was really nervous about this. However, I really enjoyed the meal, and found something I really liked. Afterwards, we explored Chinatown for dessert! It’s been hard going without my fallback- chicken fingers and fries- but I’ve managed, and been forced to go a little out of my comfort zone doing so.
As my time ends here in London, I’m finding myself both excited and sad. I’m very homesick, but I’ve grown a bit attached to the routine I’ve developed over the past week. I’ll miss a lot of things, but I’m excited to get home as well. London has been an incredible introduction to what I hope to be many more adventures to come!