London After Credits

London was a striking experience, but I was definitely ready to go home. I was dreading the plane rides home, especially the five hour layover, being someone who can’t sit still for too long.

From the start of the flight, I was fixated on the small pixelated plane on my screen, trying to will the trip back to go faster. There wasn’t anything particularly I wanted to do (besides sleep) when I got home, but I was definitely excited to give people the gifts I had bought them.

The layover wasn’t as bad as I had assumed, and we amused ourselves with “card tricks” (it was mostly just random shuffling and throwing of cards). Before I knew it, I was back in Ohio, retrieving my bags and passing the others that I had gotten to know so well, seeing them reunite with those they had left behind.All the while, I couldn’t stop thinking about my bag full of English chocolate that I wanted to devour as soon as I got back.

Overall, the experience was one I won’t forget. Though I spent much more money than I though I would, irl T was all worth it in the end. I’ve met some amazing people and I’ve gotten to know them well on this trip. The sights we visited were wonderful, and the sketches have helped me improve on my architectural drawing skills. I would definitely give this trip a 5 stars on Yelp. Thank you for allowing me to take this chance, I hope next year will bring many more amazing opportunities such as this.

London 7

It’s unbelievable that tomorrow will be our last full day in London. I’ve seen so much, and experienced so much, that I can’t imagine just going back to Columbus and continuing my normal every day routine.

My Mormon friend is in Paris on a mission trip, so he’s only allowed to communicate through email every weekend. My last email, I sent him a few pictures from London, just the highlights from the day, since I hadn’t been here that long. But when I went to right him back another one today, I was overwhelmed looking through all the pictures I had taken throughout the week, trying to pick and choose out of the hundreds which few I should send him. It really put into perspective all we’ve done on this trip and all the places and memories I captured that meant something to me.

Knowing today was one of the few days we had left, I tried to step out of my comfort zone in my free time and explore more. I ate Mexican food for the first time, and even tried to choose  some things from wagamama’s that I hadn’t had before. Even when faced with the option of taking the Tube to our location versus walking, I chose to walk to further immense myself in areas I wasn’t familiar with. Overall, I can’t wait to see what my last day in London has to offer!

London 5

Green days are always my favourite, because I find a certain peace in their natural atmosphere. So I was ecstatic to get to spend a chunk of my time today exploring the vast opportunities within Kew Gardens. Throughout many of the conservatories, my appreciation for plants was well known as I constantly explored every inch of the greenery filled buildings until there was no plant I hadn’t gaped at. I didn’t have to go far to find some wondrous views, as the first breathtaking moment I had was in the Princess of Wales conservatory, walking underneath a canopy of orchids.


Having the plants hang down right above me seemed like I was in a dream, walking through a tunnel of flowers. It was an amazing experience introduced to that space in such a way that it quickly became one of my favorites. However, once again my bias towards my family’s culture came into play as I made my way over to the Japanese gateway. I immediately was taken with the zen landscape created around the gateway. I’ve always been a fan of zen gardens, and this was no exception. I’ve actually got one small zen garden in my dorm, and one I have formally resting in my living room back home. image

After some exciting moments of pictures, we went to leave and this little buddy came right up and posed for us. Not wanting to disappoint, I took on the temporary job of professional photographer for this model:


He was my favourite client to work with.

Today however, was not as nice weather-wise as the previous day, missing the sun and loathing the clouds a bit more. Especially as most of us were in dresses for the tea, we had a tough time ignoring the cold. However, a team always sticks together and we chose to stick together, LITERALLY, and create a huddle when outside.


Fortunately, we soon made it to the London eye and we were rewarded with both warmth AND a fantastic view. Blocka Flocka Flame brought more warmth to the table when we all got together and took a fire photo.


At the end of the day, good memories were made and the feeling of being cold just melts away.

London 3

Usually, I’m not one for natural history museums. Though all the stuff is cool, the information surrounding these artifacts from the past overwhelms me and always leaves me in a state of anxiety, trying to read up and remember every fact so as not to see ignorant of how times have changed. However, in the Brutish museum I was excited to find many pieces that fit ,y interests. My mothers side being Japanese, I immediately sought out the rooms with Asian culture artifacts to immerse myself more into my mothers childhood lifestyle.

A Japanese Kimono and table mirror

A Japanese Kimono and table mirror

I’ve always been interested in learning more about the culture, and by exploring these rooms I felt like I understood my family a little better. I also greatly appreciate the art style of Japan, so once again I jumped at the opportunity to go look at prints made in asia.


While my favorite pieces, one being the iconic Great Wave, if there were not found by me, this piece definitely is high up. I appreciate the stunning effect the muticolour lines adds to the picture itself, as it almost looks like an oil spill smudged across the print.

Aside from my that, I also found a connection to my dad and my other, who loved Chess. My dad even bought an extravegant marble chess set when he visited Europe once that we now have display on our dining room table. Luckily, the Lewis Chess set was on the list of “things you can’t miss” and I’m glad I didn’t.

Lewis Chess Set

Lewis Chess Set

Aside from the museum, I ended the day with a peaceful stroll through Greenwich with some cool people, a nice end to the day.


London 1

Eager to rise early for my first full day in a new city, I awoke in a lethargic state at 7:30 am, having got only a mere five hours to sleep. After laying in bed for a solid 40 minutes, I readied myself and was surprised with a bountiful breakfast, a glorious array of meats, starches, and proteins I hadn’t experienced in such a way before. We traveled to many places upon leaving the hotel, such as various small homes once containing well known literary geniuses, and a building dedicated to…well, building. The latter was exciting to go through, like a museum for the inner structures of houses and materials and such. But then, this site was introduced to us and my heart skipped a beat.


Easily one of my favorites for the day, the mini faux city of Barbican stole. Y heart with its inclusion of my two favorite things, waterworks and cute restaurants. Immediately I was oh so willing to throw my money at the next official walking past, my mind made up to live out my days here in London in this wonderful place. However, time is fleeting and we quickly moved to my second love of the day, my sandwich from Pret.


Ok this isn’t the most flattering picture, but I’m telling you it was a good sandwich.

after this, we made our way into St. Paul’s Cathedral, which was breathtaking in both appearance and atmosphere. After begrudgingly leading the way to the top of the 528 stair cathedral, some fantastic views were experienced. Hopefully the first and last time, as the final set of stairs had me bursting with fear, thinking every step was going to be my last. I finished St. Paul’s with my sketch of this small spiral platform (which I don’t know the technical name of).


I was very happy drawing this, as a group of French students had sat behind me watching me sketch, and as hey got up to leave, a girl complimented it saying it was “very beautiful”. I strive to make my sketches better as I continue on this trip.

Block Party

Hello, my name is Melissa Block! I am majoring in Architecture (and possibly switching to Landscape), and I am from West Chester, Ohio, which is approximately 45 minutes from Cincinnati. Honestly, I’m excited to see everything, as this will be my first trip out of the country and I’m ready for a culture shock. If I had to choose however, I would say the London Eye because I haven’t been on a Ferris Wheel in ages and I expect the view to be grandeur. This picture is when I was in Milwaukee on a SERVitecture trip helping out Habitat for Humanity; after working, we would go explore the city, and my favourite places were those with the coolest fountains.
