Below are assignments due:
due Mon Apr 4:
Reading: Staged Authenticy_Dean McCannell_from The Tourist to be discussed Apr 4 in class
due Mon Apr 11:
- I will be picking up London sketchbooks for review. Make sure to use the double page spread of your sketchbook for your “day experiential map” for our long walk around London, and feel free to add commentary, notes, etc.
- Final travel documentation including minimum 10 photos and your best (minimum) 5 sketches. Label the media with your first and last name and location as the file name. Images are required to be scanned at jpgs or tifs at a minimum 150 dpi (dots per inch) and uploaded individually as jpgs, tifs or pdfs (with one image on each pdf page only and NOT compiled in a Word file). A PICTURE of your sketch is not a scan, let us know if you need help with scanning. Upload these to your student folder in my homework drive on the Knowlton servers.
due Mon Mar 28:
- Personal reflection statement in class. The personal reflection statement, minimum one page typed, are your thoughts on your personal travel experiences in London. Everyone came from a unique perspective before the trip and now London has added to your personal set of experiences. Thoughts for consideration in the statement: what you gained personally from the trip, how this experience has helped you to develop personally, what were your most significant experiences on the trip, perhaps what do you consider to be the zeitgeist of London? These are only suggestions and most important the statement should be written as a personal reflection upon travels.
- Complete all final blog posts including your “post trip posting” by class on Thursday. The final post trip posting may be similar to your personal reflection statement for Troy and I to read, perhaps a shortened version for the blog/public to read.
- Bring iPads (if borrowed from Knowlton) plus chargers for return. Let Troy/me know if you need help downloading photos/media gathered on the ipad before return.
- Be thinking about your final project for the course and gathering your documentation. We will start working on final projects Mon Mar 28 in class in the computer lab, so be compiling your ideas and I will discuss everyone’s final project with you in class on Thurs Mar 24.
prompts to consider for posts:
Regarding museums, what/how do you consider the objects removed from their culture and/or significance of the grouping of objects in the museum?
What do you consider to be the zeitgeist of London?
Blog Assignment (posted Mar 12):
Below is the requirements for you blog posts for the London trip. These will serve as the basis for conversation both while we are abroad and once we return. Please remember to keep all posts congenial and constructive. Be sure to post these to the London blog page and use the instructed category for each blog post.
– 7 Total blogs: 1 ‘first day’ (to be posted by Sunday at Midnight), 1 after the trip (to be posted within 48hrs of our return to CMH), and 5 during
– 2 of the 7 posts must be in response to a classmates post
– A ‘post’ must be at a minimum of 200 words to be considered
– Be sure to use an appropriate ‘Category’ for each post as this will help group similar posts. If a relative category does not exist you may choose to add one.
– 5 media files must be incorporated in your posts, 1 of which must be a sketch/diagram/info-graphic. You may incorporate multiple images within a single post
due Mon Mar 7: wayfinding map from home to school, full page in your sketchbook noting your path and experiences along this common route.
due Thurs Mar 3: Quiz 2 is here: LondonSP16_Quiz2
due Mon Feb 29: Personal Expectation Statement. Minimum one page (typed) thoughtful description of your personal expectations and goals you want to achieve from this study abroad experience. Please reflect upon your priorities before writing as Troy and I will review these carefully so that we can best help you to achieve your goals. This statement can be related to excitement regarding particular sites (and tell us why) or other aspects of the travelling experience. Also, if you have any concerns regarding this trip, feel free to articulate them as well so we can be sensitive to your needs during this experience.
due Mon Feb 8: revised date for group neighborhood presentations due date to be presented in class: 8-10 minutes per group with visuals compiled as a powerpoint or pdf presentation that will be sent to Aimee/Troy to upload to the blog. I would like to hear each person speak, make sure to place your district within the larger context map of London and note the important streets, geographical connections, important projects/museums/etc. in your district. Let me know if you have questions-
**due Thurs Feb 4: practice shading scales in your notebook, one in pen, one in pencil, across the entire long length of your sketchbook and one inch tall, go from 0% to 100% shading in equal increments (meaning 50% should be about in the middle of the page). Write the name and width/softness/hardness of tool used for each scale. Welcome to practice more than minimum 2 shading scales if desired.
also due Thurs Feb 4: Quiz 1, LondonSP16 Quiz1, due Thurs Feb 4 in class
due Mon Jan 25: watch video* of Roman London, see readings tab for supplemental reading related to lecture
*this video was recorded in Mediasite and may require you to login with your osu credentials to view
due Thurs Jan 21: Thoughts and Impressions in class
due Thurs Jan 14: personal bio post to London Culture and City page. Include name, major, (what you consider) your hometown, what you are most interested/excited to see in London, plus one picture. Categorize this post to the Bio category-
also: other course schedule conflicts for Fri Mar 11 (exams and/or classes missed) in class to Aimee