My Fourth Day

The journey continues…..My fourth day involved a series of awestruck and dream-like moments.  To begin with, visiting Stonehenge was surreal.  I am grateful to have seen in person the historic site as Stonehenge not only belongs to English history, but also to world history.  I find the area that surrounds Stonehenge to be scenic, inspiring, and calming owing to the open and rolling expanses of fields.  The use of pillars in the design of the Visitor Centre provides contrast to the acres of unobstructed fields.  Second, visiting Stourhead was a dream that turned into reality.  I was amazed at the amount of greenery planted at the site.  Everywhere I turned, my eyes were refreshed with trees, flowers, or leaves.  Among the follies, I, in particular, like the bridge as grass spills throughout it from the surrounding area.  I appreciate the maximization of nature at Stourhead.  For instance, the leaf-lined branches that billow from a tree provide cover for a portion of a path.  Also, arrows are carved into rocks in order to provide directions to visitors as they explore the site on foot.  Third, the scale of Salisbury Cathedral stunned me.  Owing to its enormity, the cathedral renders the visitor minuscule not only in the literal and physical sense, but also in the sense of worth or value.  The enormous scale of the building serves to reinforce the divinity of Heaven and the aim of humans to reach Heaven in the next life.  Overall, I appreciated spending time in the countryside as doing so allowed me to catch a break from the hustle and bustle of the city that is London.  I enjoyed experiencing the softer side of England via lush nature, quaint streets, and celebrated heritage.


* The pillars of the Visitor Centre at Stonehenge contrast to the vast emptiness of the environs

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* At Stourhead, trees provide cover over segments of paths and rocks provide directions via carved arrows

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