Post 2, day 3

Yesterday was the first day where I felt peaceful in the rush of the big city of London. To start the day off we visited the British Museum, which has the prettiest architecture on the outside and a marvelous ceiling over the courtyard. Inside I spent the majority of the time looking at the Parthenon. Which I had very strong feelings for surprisingly. I think it’s awful that it’s being held captive here and not in its rightful home in Athens. I read a sign in the museum that said 60% of the Parthenon is being held here in London while the other 40% is being held in Athens. I feel like the lord that took all of the artifacts stole a very important piece of Greek history from the Grecian people.

Later in the day we took the tube to Westminster where I finally got a breif look at Big Ben and Westminster. We then took a very comical boat ride out to Greenwich passing by the exact spot where the mayflower took sail to America. At Greenwich we visited the royal dining hall and the Royal chapel and I must say it was beautiful!! I finished the night in Jamie Oliver’s  restaurant with some friends from the trip. The atmosphere there was amazing and the food was even better. The place had fresh garlic hanging by the kitchen and a beautiful skylight Ceiling. As a table we got a bunch of starters, I had the best dark green mammoth olives I’ve ever had, crab bruschetta, and fried calamari and fish. For my main dish I got the pasta bolognese! I think this will be my favorite meal I had in London.

Some pictures of my day:


Here is a model of the Parthenon. It is my dream to go to Greece one day and see the remains of this beauty


I found this quote while walking around the British museum and I found it quite fitting for this trip and adventure I am on in London


The outside of the British museum is beautiful!


Me and my new love Ben


Jamie Oliver’s restaurant will now forever hold a spot in my heart!


My solid attempt of sketching the courtyard at the British museum

One thought on “Post 2, day 3

  1. I definitely agree with you on the unfairness of the Parthenon being kept in London when it should be at its home in Athens. This is a very controversial issue that affects other famous pieces of architecture as well. Museums all over the world hold works of art from other countries which sparks this debate of pieces being returned to their country of origin. I love that fact that I can go to almost any museum in the US and see extraordinary pieces from around the world, but then I also wish they could rest where they belong. Both sides of the argument have valid points. Should a work of art be returned to its original home? Or should it be spread for the rest of the world to enjoy?

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