
Coordinator: Dr. Kate Ren (



The seminar series is designed to provide students and faculty with an interactive environment to discuss academic and practice topics in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. These presentations enable researchers to improve and enhance their methodology, writing, and presentation skills before submitting the works for publication in elite journals and for presentation at important conferences.



The seminar serves the following objectives:

  • Doctoral students present their working papers;
  • Faculty members at The Ohio State University and from other universities share their research projects;
  • Practitioners discuss logistics-related products, services, and issues in their companies.



Fall Semester, 2024 – Logistics Research Incubator Series

Date Time Presenter Location
Sep. 6 1pm – 3pm   Dr. Jason Miller                                       Michigan State University   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A    
Sep. 27 1pm – 3pm   Dr. Carl Marcus Wallenburg               WHU – Otto Beisheim School of           Management   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A  
Oct. 4 1pm – 3pm   Dr. Marshall Fisher                                University of Pennsylvania   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A     
Oct. 25 1pm – 3pm    Dr. Vince Castillo                                   The Ohio State University   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A
Nov.8 9am – 10:30am   Dr. Alexander Hübner                           Technical University of Munich   via Zoom
Nov. 15 1pm – 3pm   Dr. Dennis Zhang                                     Washington University – St. Louis   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A
Dec. 6 1pm – 3pm   PhD Student presentations                The Ohio State University In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A  

Spring Semester, 2024 – Logistics Research Incubator Series

Date Time Presenter Location
Jan. 19 9am-11am Dr. Vince Castillo                                  The Ohio State University   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A    
Feb. 16  9am-11am Dr. Santiago Gallino
University of Pennsylvania
  In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A  
Mar. 1  9am-11am Dr. Lisa Ellram                                      Miami University   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A     
Mar. 8  9am-11am John Andrews                                Katadin Consulting + Founder and Strategic Advisor   via ZOOM 
Mar. 22  9am-11am Dr. Nana Sanders                      Northeastern University   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A
Mar. 29  9am-11am Dr. Ted Stank                               University of Tennessee   via ZOOM 
Apr. 5  9am-11am Dr. Ken Boyer                                            The Ohio State University + World premiere of new book   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A
Apr. 19  9am-11am PhD Student presentations                The Ohio State University   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A    

Autumn Semester, 2023 – Logistics Research Incubator Series

Date Time Presenter Location
Aug. 25 1pm-3pm Dr. Annibal Sodero                                    The Ohio State University   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A    
Sep. 1 1pm-3pm Dr. Shashank Rao
Auburn University + Journal Business Logistics Senior Editor
  In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A  
Sep. 15 1pm-3pm Dr. David Peng                                Lehigh University + Journal Operations Management Department Editor   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A
Sep. 22 10:30am-12:30pm Dr. Suzanne deTreville                         University of Lausanne + Journal Operations Management co-editor   In Person                                Gerlach Hall 285
Oct. 6 1pm-3pm Dr. Manpreet Hora                             Georgia Tech + Journal Operations Management Department Editor   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A  
Oct. 20 1pm-3pm Dr. Xenophon Koufteros                  Texas A&M + Decision Sciences Journal co-editor   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A  
Nov. 3 9am-10:30am Dr. Andreas Wieland                      Copenhagen Business School + Journal Supply Chain Management co-editor   ZOOM – link to come!   
Dec. 1 & 8 3pm-4:30pm PhD Student presentations                The Ohio State University   In Person                                Fisher Hall 500A    

Spring Semester, 2023 – Logistics Research Incubator Series

Date Time Presenter Location
Jan. 27 3pm-4:30pm Dr. Wendy Tate                          University of Tennessee, editor        of JSCM FxdmdmU3F2UT09       
Feb. 3 3pm-4:30pm Dr. Stephanie Eckerd
University of Tennessee FxdmdmU3F2UT09    
Feb. 10 9am-10:30am Dr. Riccardo Mangiaracina Politecnico di Milano, POLIMI/Italy FxdmdmU3F2UT09
Feb. 24 3pm-4:30pm Molly Hughes                               The Ohio State University In Person                                            Fisher Hall 500A
Mar. 3 3pm-4:30pm Dr. Terry Esper                               The Ohio State University In Person                                            Fisher Hall 500A
Mar. 24 9am-10:30am Prof Dr. Kai Hoberg                  Kühne Logistics University, KLU/Germany FxdmdmU3F2UT09
Apr. 7 9am-10:30am Dr. Tingting Yan                            Wayne State, editor of JSCM In Person                                            Gerlach Hall 315
Apr. 21 3pm-4:30pm Dr. Vince Castillo                          The Ohio State University In Person                                            Fisher Hall 500A

Autumn Semester, 2022

Date Time Presenter Location
Sep. 2 1pm-3pm Molly Hughes                               The Ohio State University Z0cwZz09&from=addon            Meeting ID: 921 8809 9613                   Password: 380935  
Sep. 9 1pm-3pm Dr. Asoo J. Vakharia      Warrington College of Business, University of Florida In Person                                                  Fisher 500
Sep. 23 1pm-3pm Dr. Jeannette Song                Fuqua School of Business,      Duke University ZoZWtaQT09&from=addon
Meeting ID: 916 5992 2944
Password: 506597
Sep. 30 1pm-3pm Logistics Advisory Council Meeting
Oct. 7 1pm-3pm Dr. Chris Tang                                  Anderson School of Management, UCLA UGlRdz09&from=addon
Meeting ID: 938 8392 0333
Password: 245479
Oct. 21 1pm-3pm Dr. Subodha Kumar                    Fox School of Business,                  Temple University xGWEh3QT09&from=addon   Meeting ID: 983 0693 8266
Password: 652737
Nov. 4 1pm-3pm Dr. Elliott Rabinovich                W.P. Carey School of Business,      Arizona State University In Person                                                  Fisher 500
Nov. 18 1pm-3pm Dr. Mingfeng Lin                          Scheller College of Business,        Georgia Institute of Technology SWZOZz09&from=addon            Meeting ID: 944 0702 7245
Password: 469375
Dec. 2 1pm-3pm Logistics First Year Doctoral Students                                     The Ohio State University In Person                                                  Fisher 500


Spring Semester, 2021

Date Time Topic Presenter
Jan. 29 3pm- 4pm On making experimental design choices


Stephanie Eckerd

University of Tennessee

Feb. 5 3pm- 4pm  Crowdsourcing in Retail Execution: Motivation and Performance Implications Terry Esper

The Ohio State University

Feb. 12 3pm- 4pm To be decided

Exploring the innovative co-competition between road freight and air freight

Andrew Zeiser

Zenan Zhou

The Ohio State University

Feb. 26 3pm- 4pm To be decided Molly Hughes

The Ohio State University

Mar. 12 3pm- 4pm Channel Transparency and Omnichannel Retailing:  The Impact of Sharing Retail Store Product Availability Information Kate Ren

The Ohio State University

Mar. 26 3pm- 4pm Co-EICs’ Perspective on JBL Glenn Richey


Co-EICs of JBL

Apr. 2 3pm- 4pm To be decided 1st Year Doctoral Students

University of Maryland

Apr. 9 3pm- 4pm Algorithm Aversion in Supply Chain Decision Making Sunny Hasija

The Ohio State University

Apr. 23 3pm- 4pm To be decided 4th Year Doctoral Students

University of Maryland


Autumn Semester, 2020

Date Time Topic Presenters
09/18 1:30pm-2:30pm Introduction and Benchmarking across Two Doctoral Programs Martin Dresner

University of Maryland

Mike Knemeyer

The Ohio State University

09/25 1:30pm-2:30pm Design Structure Matrix

Journal of Operations Management Department Structure and Review Process

Tyson R. Browning

Texas Christian University

Co-Editor-in-Chief Journal of Operations Management

10/02 1:30pm-2:30pm Untangling drivers for supplier environmental and social responsibility: An Investigation in Philips’ Chinese Supply Chain Veronica Villena

Penn State University

10/09 1:30pm-2:30pm Impact of Supply Chain Disruptions on Competitors: Propagation Through Supply Chain Laharish Guntuka
University of Maryland
10/16 1:30pm-2:30pm Transportation Research Using Heuristics and Simulation John Bell

University of Tennessee

10/23 1:30pm-2:30pm Win the Buy Box: Product Characteristics and Direct Sales Choice Hao Su

University of Maryland

10/30 1:30pm-2:30pm Price Gouging in Online Marketplaces in response to Supply Chain Disruptions Andrew Zeiser

The Ohio State University

11/06 1:30pm-2:30pm The direct-channel performance of restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic Kevin Park

University of Maryland

11/13 1:30pm-2:30pm Mobile Application Updates and Customer Satisfaction Zenan Zhou

The Ohio State University

11/20 1:30pm-2:30pm Supply Chain Plasticity Molly Hughes

The Ohio State University

12/04 1:30pm-2:30pm 1st-year working papers 1st-Year Doctoral Students

University of Maryland


Spring Semester, 2020

Date Time Topic Presenter Location
Jan. 31 9:30am-  10:30am Research Resources in the OSU library


Ash Faulkner

Business Librarian

Fisher 500
Feb. 7 9:30am-  10:30am In AI we Trust: A Middle Range Theory Investigation of AI technology Acceptance


Abhinav (Sunny) Hasija

The Ohio State University

Fisher 500
Feb 21 All Day Logistics Research Camp


Feb. 28 9:30am- 10:30am Product Availability, Consumer Stockpiling, and Hurricane Events: Empirical Evidence from Natural Experiments


Martin Dresner

University of Maryland

Fisher 500
March 6 10:30am-  11:30am When what you see is not what you get: The impact of order fulfillment information disclosure on consequences of deceptive counterfeits in online retailing


Henry Jin

Miami University

Fisher 400
March 20 9:30am- 10:30am The Boomerang Effect: The Effect of Supply Chain Disruptions on Complementary Suppliers


Andrew Zeiser

The Ohio State University

Fisher 500
March 27 All Day Marketing Research Camp


April 10 9:30am- 10:30am To be decided Annibal Sodero

The Ohio State University

Fisher 500
April 17 9:30am- 10:30am Is It Better to Know or Not to Know? Getting Notified by A Mishandled Airline Baggage Timely


Zenan Zhou

The Ohio State University

Fisher 500
April 24 9:30am- 10:30am Supply Chain Plasticity Molly Hughes

The Ohio State University

Fisher 500


Autumn Semester, 2019

Date Time Topic  Presenter Location
Sep. 19 10am- 11:30am Transshipments in Supply Chains Xiang Wan
The Ohio State University
Fisher 500
Sep. 26 10am- 11:30am Citations, Databases, Housekeeping:  Surviving the PhD Program in One Piece Sebastian Brockhaus
John Carroll University
Fisher 500
Oct. 03 10am- 11:30am Last Mile Crowdsourcing across Logistics Strategies Vince Castillo
The Ohio State University
Fisher 500
Oct. 17 10:30am- 12:00am The Effect of Pop-up Stores on Customer Acquisition and Retention: Evidence from a Quasi-Field Experiment Kate Ren
University of Maryland
Fisher 500
Oct. 22 10am- 11:30am Optimal Districting after Disasters considering Social Costs Johanna Amaya Leal
Iowa State University
Fisher 500
Nov. 07 10am- 11:30am Uber Freight in the Trucking Industry Zenan Zhou
The Ohio State University
Fisher 500
Nov. 14 10am- 11:30am Contracting for innovation in public services: Capabilities, institutions and intermediation Kostas Selviaridis
Lancaster University
Fisher 700