Photo Reflection(Violence)

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US Hispanic Market Campaign, Outdoor-Transit ads
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Summary: The author Steven Pinker talks about his opinions about the progress of violence. Steven thinks that world becomes more and more peaceful. He also analyzes three major pacifying forces that are the reasonable use of force, commerce and cosmopolitanism. In the end, the author also states that the declines of violent do not mean that people in modern world are the most moral than before. There are still many problems in the world about violent. We need to think more deeply about what we can do to decrease the violent.

Quote: Bearers of good news are often advised to keep their mouths shut, less they lull people into complacency. But this prescription may be backward. The discovery that fewer people are victims of violence can thwart cynicism among compassion-fatigued news readers who might otherwise think that the dangerous parts of the world are irredeemable hell holes. And a better understanding of what drove the numbers down can steer us toward doing things that make people better off rather than congratulating ourselves on how moral we are.

                     Photo Reflection

If you ask me “Do you think that violence is decreasing nowadays”, my answer is “NO”. Our modern society is improving and becomes more and more stable and peaceful. But I do not think we can say our lives have no violence at all. Especially for women and children, violence becomes more serious.

Surprisingly, a major site of violence for women, violence appears in their families. According to some reports, we could see that every year the violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. This is not about a number. This is about the lives. I cannot imagine millions of lives disappear every year. How could we say we are live in a stable society?

The problem of violence is also very severe among children. Not only are children victims, but also more children accept violent education which means there are more children will maybe use violent methods to solve problems in the future. That is also an important reason why violence appears and never stops. The reason I choice this picture is because I can just see fear and lonely in children’s eyes. However, Children should be the most happiness in the world, unfortunately, some of them are struggle to violence. I just think this picture could call people to do some things for these kinds of children. 

 I have read an article, which name is “Violence Vanquished”. The author Steven Pinker talks about his opinions about the progress of violence. Steven thinks that world becomes more and more peaceful. He also analyzes three major pacifying forces that are the reasonable use of force, commerce and cosmopolitanism. In the end, the author also states that the declines of violence do not mean that people in modern world are the most moral than before. There are still many problems in the world about violent. We need to think more deeply about what we can do to decrease the violent.

I think Steven is right that we should not give people an illusion that we are living in a peaceful world by saying that the violence has declined with society developed. Although the number maybe as evidence to support the opinion that we live in a regular world and people are more moral than before, we also should pay attention that number sometimes is nothing.Steven suggests us that a better understanding of what drove the numbers down can steer us toward doing things that make people better off rather than congratulating ourselves on how moral we are.


1.Steven Pinker, Violence Vanquished, Robert Atwan – Valerie Duff-Strautmann – Mallory Moore- Bedford/St. Martin’s 2013  2. (the survey)



Hey! This is me!!

About me
Hello everyone, my name is Junyan Liu, a happy and funny girl. You could also call me Helen.  I come from Lanzhou, Gansu province, which is at northwest of China. I born in a happiness traditional family which has three members, my father, my mother and me.  Now I am a freshman in the Ohio State University and I study the mathematics. I live in Siebert Hall in the south campus of the Ohio State University. Most of you may not know this building but I think this is the most amazing dormitory on the campus. We have amazing furniture and large space in the room. Do not adore me! I am also a sporty girl. I like to run and to play volleyball and table tennis.
My family!

My family!


my past

I had a wonderful summer vacation. This summer I went to nine cities in different parts of China. I went to Dalian, Xi’an, and Chengdu with my classmates after we graduated from The Northwest University Attached High School, which is the best high school in my hometown.  This was the first time I travelled with friends, not with tourist guide. I think I will never forget this amazing experience forever. With my best friend, Runqiu, we travelled to Qingdao. We have known each other for three years. Although we studied at different schools, we tried our best to keep in touch. Finally I went Beijing, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi  and  Shanghai with my parents. 

we are in Chengdu

we are in Chengdu

we are in Dalian!

we are in Dalian!



Ohio State University is one of the most amazing universities because of the famous and outstanding football team.  Weather is the most important reasons for me to choose university because the weather in Ohio is similar with the weather in my hometown. So I become a BUCKEYE! At first, I want to go to Minnesota Twin City University until I found that Minnesota is the one of the coldest cities in America. I do not like winter at all. So I give up the thought that study at Minnesota. Now I study Mathematics which I know it is crazy major but I still have       confidence in this major. In the future, maybe I will double major of Finance and mathematics. Good luck to me. 

Siebert Hall family. (picture comes from twitter: Siebert Hall)

Siebert Hall family. (picture comes from twitter: Siebert Hall)

Ohio State University ( picture comes from:

Ohio State University ( picture comes from:

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