Case Journal #3

The ramifications of this case in the way the court decided it are very negative in regards to my client.

It was decided that this case would turn against my client, and that she had no right to close the proceedings in the manner that she did. Legally, her thought process in regards to the police officer not having the right to a fair trial was not validated. This is a terrible injustice to the United States and to someone such as her in a place of authority. She made the right decisions, and I believe that the ramifications for this will be completely unfair, but totally based upon punishing Judge Ahn in some way.

I believe that as a result of this case, her job will be under much more scrutiny than it should be. I believe that people will look more closely now into what it is that she validates in her judge and as a Honorable Judge, their judgements should not be held in such high scrutiny. It’s not fair to my client, and not fair to the holistic environment of the judiciary system in general. Also, the legal ramifications for the courts not defending her in her thoughts to close the case based on race relations and the fact that the police officer will not have a fair trial.

The court would most likely assume that Judge Ahn was guilty of legal abuse, and that she misguided the court case and did not make the proper assumptions. Abusive judiciary is something that my client should not have had to be faced with, because she was justified in her actions to close the cases and to clear the court of media and officials.

Ramifications will hopefully be sparse, however, because my client should not have had to deal with them at all. She will probably receive sanctions from the court and may be included in some sort of probationary measures, but that should be the majority of it. Hopefully.


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