About Me

Hi! My name is Lisa Lin and I am a Business student specializing in Operations Management at OSU. I come from Dublin, Ohio, and love to read, run, play violin, and make art. Before college, I was a part of the Columbus Symphony Youth Orchestras for six years, fiddled with my school group all throughout high school, and stayed active and developed close bonds with my teammates through cross country and track.

In college, I hope to complement my major by pursuing my passions in environmental sustainability and fashion. So far, I have joined Net Impact, Business of Retail Association, and Buckeye Operations Management Society here at OSU to try to further my interests. Additionally, as a part of Business Scholars, I hope to advance my professional career and develop meaningful connections before venturing into the business world. I also hope to broaden my horizons by studying abroad at Peking University next year, trying new things outside of my comfort zone, and giving back to the community by engaging in more service commitments. I am excited for my next three years at OSU and can’t wait to see what else is in store!

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