
Unitus: An Exhibition for Students, Created by Students Blog

Hello! If you’ve made it to this page, you’re likely an OSU Art or Fine Art student interested in submitting work for our UAS online exhibition! This exhibition aims to unite BA/BFA students through artworks created throughout the pandemic. By creating a space for such artworks, we aim to recognize and reunite our student population after the isolating stay-at-home orders, mask mandates and a polarizing media coverage has left many of us feeling disconnected and uninspired. We ask you this: What did you make throughout the pandemic? What did you learn? How did you cope with the stressors and anxiety surrounding our new “normal”? In seeing your fellow student’s artworks and hearing their personal testimonies, we hope to create a space that unites our fellow student artists and creates conversation about the student collective experience throughout the pandemic. 

Follow the link on the tab to the left to submit works and read up on our Guidelines

Submit artworks directly to: