Update One

Hello again!

Well having high hopes on our capstone project with our response rates proved to be disappointing for my fellow partner, Sara Derge and I as we expected a wider audience to fill out our quick Google Form. Despite this change in numbers, we still managed to draw conclusions with our findings and statistics that will be implemented into our capstone project and paper.

We have found a plethora of sources that will be used as references in our paper and back up our claims as well, which is great. Not only that, but Derge and I made headway by starting our paper and once we figured out APA formatting (since we are so used to MLA format), we have finished our introduction and methods!

We are still continuing our Google Form and hopefully grabbing more responses that will further solidify our claims. So far, we have found that there is a positive influence on women who are currently pursuing a STEM degree and have either an immediate or extended family member who are in STEM as well—which is interesting.