About Me

honors-and-scholarsHi, my name is Jessie Li and I’m from Sylvania, Ohio. I am a first year Ohio State student and am very excited to take advantage of the many opportunities and resources that OSU offers. A little bit about myself, I love to travel and explore different cultures. I am a pianist and a figure skater, I have started both when I was about seven years old. In high school, the accomplishments that I am most proud of are being on staff of the school’s newspaper and volunteering with Gliding Stars. Gliding Stars is an amazing program that pairs experienced skaters with disabled kids in order to teach them how to skate. We work with them through September to March and at the end of March, we hold a big ice show that shows off what the kids have learned. It is quite a rewarding experience and I have participated in it for three straight years.

I am currently an exploratory major as I had no idea what I wanted to do when I first came to OSU. However, by talking to other people and learning more about the different kind of majors that are offered, I am now interested in Sports Medicine, most specifically Athletic Training. I have looked into it and it seems like a good fit for me because I am interested in both sports and medicine.