My Personality Type

After completing an enneagram test, the results showed me that I supposedly have a type 7 (the adventurer) personality type. This means that my main traits according to the test are adventurous, outgoing, and practical, with a fear of missing out and a basic desire of wanting to be fulfilled and happy. On, the adventurer personality is referred to as the enthusiast, and described as busy, variety-seeking type, optimistic, scattered, curious, and commonly anxious. I feel that the results are accurate in most situations, but not all. This is not the first time I was described with a personality like this. My time at tOSU allowed me to grow to be an optimistic, adventurous, and curious student now more than ever. Although I can be very anxious and scattered like the results predicted, I do not feel this personally is always is a great fit for me. I can be shy and reserved in many situations still, however I expect this aspect of me to fade as I continue my college career.

To reach the top level of development for this personality type, I need to become deeply grateful and be simply filled with joy on the wonders of life. I also need to become truly highly responsive, enthusiastic about all experiences, and avoid becoming self-centered and anxious. I try to end everyday spending time in prayer, being grateful for all I have been blessed with in my life, although there is always room for growth.

I believe in order to maximize my growth at Ohio State personally, I need to continue to embrace becoming as adventurous, outgoing, and grateful as I can be, to continue the growth that already occurred during my first year. In addition, I need to try to limit my anxiety and perfectionism, which would stop me from becoming the most accomplished and fulfilled person I can be after graduation.

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