End of 1st Year Review

I had an amazing first year at tOSU and am sad to see the year come to a close. The last few weeks of the year might not have been I expected them to be, but I feel very grateful for the time I had on campus. I was able to take many interesting classes on topics I feel passionate about. I took two economics courses that truly changed the way I saw the world around me. Especially during this pandemic with the changing economy, I love having a deeper understanding on what is causing the changes we are seeing and what the impact will be on the US citizens and the world. Taking these economic courses also helped me discover my passion for economics, leading me to consider my minor of EEDS (environment, economy, development, and sustainability). This minor also allows to take more courses on the environment and sustainability, which I also was able to learn a lot about during ENR seminars.

I was able to learn outside of the classroom as well. I loved meeting the variety of people from all over the world and with very different backgrounds. I learned the impact that the way I was raised had on how I see the world and how I see my future. I was able to interact with many foreign students who grew up in a society that allowed them to have different goals and different lifestyles. Learning about the different cultures and getting to interact with many who, even though they are also from Ohio, had different backgrounds showed me the amount you can learn from just getting to know those around you.

This past year was a time of immense growth for me as a person. I was able to come out of my shell more as a person and become more of the confident social butterfly I always wanted and tried to be. I also grew to be more independent and better with time management. This helped me to become a better college student as time went on, due to better figuring out my study habits and the daily schedules that were best for me.

There are many memories that I look fondly back at. Although it is hard to choose a favorite memory, I would probably have to pick the Michigan State football game. It was at night, which meant the stadium was beautifully lit with effects and bright lights. The Buckeyes won the game 10-34, which is a closer score than usual for OSU, which added tension and excitement. I loved being surrounded with my closest friends from Morrill Tower and my classes. The Shoe was full of scarlet and grey and cheerful Buckeyes! Hearing the O-H-I-O around the stadium, as each side yelled their part filled me with joy and pride in my school. Singing Carmen Ohio with friends at my sides after the victory will always be a memory I cherish forever.

In a few months, I will able to start my second year at OSU and I could not be more eager. Although I will miss Morrill Tower, I am excited to live on new North campus, where I will be closer to where I go the most. In addition, I am excited to be able to take more major specific classes and learn more about my passions, along with make more unforgettable memories with friends I am sure I will keep for the rest of my life.


My Personality Type

After completing an enneagram test, the results showed me that I supposedly have a type 7 (the adventurer) personality type. This means that my main traits according to the test are adventurous, outgoing, and practical, with a fear of missing out and a basic desire of wanting to be fulfilled and happy. On enneagraminstiture.com, the adventurer personality is referred to as the enthusiast, and described as busy, variety-seeking type, optimistic, scattered, curious, and commonly anxious. I feel that the results are accurate in most situations, but not all. This is not the first time I was described with a personality like this. My time at tOSU allowed me to grow to be an optimistic, adventurous, and curious student now more than ever. Although I can be very anxious and scattered like the results predicted, I do not feel this personally is always is a great fit for me. I can be shy and reserved in many situations still, however I expect this aspect of me to fade as I continue my college career.

To reach the top level of development for this personality type, I need to become deeply grateful and be simply filled with joy on the wonders of life. I also need to become truly highly responsive, enthusiastic about all experiences, and avoid becoming self-centered and anxious. I try to end everyday spending time in prayer, being grateful for all I have been blessed with in my life, although there is always room for growth.

I believe in order to maximize my growth at Ohio State personally, I need to continue to embrace becoming as adventurous, outgoing, and grateful as I can be, to continue the growth that already occurred during my first year. In addition, I need to try to limit my anxiety and perfectionism, which would stop me from becoming the most accomplished and fulfilled person I can be after graduation.