Module 7

I thought this week’s module had some great points any college student could use to help their studies. Distractions are something that can affect your grades and can lead to one wasting hours and hours of time. I fall victim to going on my phone way too often when I’m studying, but over the past several weeks I have ways to mitigate this problem I have. A specific thing I learned about this lesson was online blockers. I did not know you could download these helpful online tools. Freedom, SelfControl, and Cold Turkey are all great tools I plan to check out here in the near-future. Having these set in place will do wonders when the time comes to study. I look forward to seeing the results at the end of next semester!

A strategy that I will try to implement when studying is listening to music on a low volume. I can see how this can help you study because it’s kind of like a relaxing white noise that can help you block out all the extra noise that can lead to you being distracted. I will download an app such as White Noise, Noisli, or just by listening to relaxing noises.

Module 6

This was first module I can honestly say I did not learn anything I haven’t know about. Knowing how to do conduct your research on the internet is very integral to your studies. This is a skill everyone needs to have at a young age. If you know what you’re doing, you can save tons of time and make it easier on yourself. Google Scholar is a very underused tool that if used, it will do wonders for what you want to see. For every research paper I have to write, I make sure I start off by finding the correct and most reliable information and I can do all that through Google Scholar.

Another great tool is EasyBib. I’ve used EasyBib for quite some time now. I love this tool because it’s so easy to use and can save you a lot of time. Also, it ensures you made the correct citation. Not having something cited properly is considered plagiarism for some intrusctors/professors so knowing how to operate a website like EasyBib can certainly save a grade. It’s important to note there are plenty of other citing website, I have just always preferred EasyBib. I recommend every college students to get acquainted with both of these tools because will help you out tremendously in the future.

Module 5

  • Note-taking is a skill that can be very helpful for your college studies. There are many reasons why college students should take good quality notes in their classes. One of them being, is there’s not many people who walk this earth that can memorize all the important information being passed, so taking notes help you retain the information. In the fifth slide in this week’s module it says “A large amount of information is covered each week, and your notes create a vital record of important points.”
I couldn’t agree more with that sentence.
  • The most useful thing I learned about this week’s module is writing my notes by hand rather than on my computer. For the past couple of years, I’ve always typed my notes but I’m open to trying a different method if it benefits me. For the next week or so, my goal is to write all my notes down in a notebook and see what the results are. I’m very curious to see if this strategy works. According to the module, typing your notes influences mindless note-taking. I find this to be interesting and true. When I type my notes, my goal is to just try and jot down as much information as I possibly can but this happens with significant repercussions.

Module 4

After doing some research, I found the online tools, Quizlet, Grammarly, And Purdue Writing lab, to be the most effective tools to my studies. Quizlet is one of the more utilized online tools because it’s a lot easier and more resourceful than plain white cards. Grammarly and Purdue Writing Owls are two similar products that can be very helpful when writing at the Collegiate levels. All three of these tools have and will continue to benefit me not just during college but certainly after as well.

Module 3

This week’s module taught me some things I could definitely implement into my schedule. During this week, I will try to track what I do on a daily basis to try and mitigate some of my bad habits (procrastination). Another bad habit of mine is I have a hard time staying off my phone. In order to try and solve this issue of mine, I have set time limits on my phone through my phone settings. I have limited myself to only four hours a day on my phone. When I get close to that four- hour mark, I receive a warning. This is the second week I’ve done this and I can honestly say it’s working because I’ve cut my screen time by 45 minutes. I know this doesn’t sound huge, but it’s a small step in the right direction. I highly advise other college students that have this same problem to do the same thing. Tracking what you do is essential if you want to improve on your bad habits. It’s also a fun thing to do because if you do it right, you can see the success right before your eyes. I think I’m on the right path and I encourage others to do the same.

Module 2

I’ve taken many online classes so essentially everything I read from this week’s module was a nice refresher. Communicating online is very important and can be challenging at times because your audience can’t hear you from a physical standpoint. Your reader might not understand your sarcasm which could lead to them taking offensive to something they wouldn’t normally take offense to. An example of something from this week’s module that I already do is emailing my instructors in a professional way. This is something I make sure I do because it’s a bad look if you don’t do it correctly.


I highly advise students to learn and be familiar with google docs. Google docs is a tool you will use often not just in College but for jobs as well. The reason I say this is because it’s so easy to use and it’s very convenient. Also, it’s free to use! All you have to do is sign up. It’s good way to manage your time, share documents, store documents, and much more. When it comes to group assignments, there is not many better websites than Google Docs. In conclusion, my biggest advice to students in this module, is to sign up for an account.