Year in Review


These past two years have taught me many things from being a first year college student to surviving a year and a half through zoom to fighting procrastination.  It taught me how to be a leader within myself.  Going to school was going very well at the beginning and then, no one was expecting to switch to online classes right after Spring break of 2020.  During this time, may I mention I never had taken online classes, so this transition was also new to me, it was hard to have motivation and not get distracted being in class and “multi-tasking”.  I had to push myself to do the best I could and if I had any questions, to email my professors.  Luck me, I had very understand professors willing to change a few things here and there and even add extra office hours.  Being a leader especially during challenging times is hard but it is up to each person see how far they are willing to push themselves in order to achieve their dream and success.  As of now, yes I have faced many challenges, but those challenges are there to bring out the best of me, and I think I have done extremely well overcoming those barriers.



  • Global Awareness: Students cultivate and develop their appreciation for diversity and each individual’s unique differences. For example, consider course work, study abroad, involvement in cultural organizations or activities, etc.
  • Original Inquiry: Honors & Scholars students understand the research process by engaging in experiences ranging from in-class scholarly endeavors to creative inquiry projects to independent experiences with top researchers across campus and in the global community. For example, consider research, creative productions or performances, advanced course work, etc.
  • Academic Enrichment: Honors & Scholars students pursue academic excellence through rigorous curricular experiences beyond the university norm both in and out of the classroom.
  • Leadership Development: Honors & Scholars students develop leadership skills that can be demonstrated in the classroom, in the community, in their co-curricular activities, and in their future roles in society.
  • Service Engagement: Honors & Scholars students commit to service to the community.]



Each word to me has their own meaning.  Global awareness to me means begin aware of individuals own traditions, experiences, activities and even languages.  Knowing that each culture has their own uniqueness and knowing what they are is to me what global awareness means.  It also means being respectful to the diversity Ohio State has.  Original Inquiry to me means being unique to your own work and doing your own research.  Academic enrichment to me means always going above and beyond on your work such as paid work and class work and community.  Leadership development to me means being a leader in your own way.  You may not be the leader of the whole group but the leader in yourself and knowing what is right and what is wrong and not just being a leader in class but also outside of class.  Being you you are when people are watching and even when people are not watching.  Service engagement to me means that you are always willing to help out your community.  Your communities is your home and during school time OSU is your home.  Having service engagement is also being willing to help when help is needed.  These are my interpretations of what the terms G.O.A.L.S mean to me.  I plan to a little of each  G.O.A.L.S that being learning new things from other individuals I did not know, being unique in what I do, always asking questions with what I need help with and trying my best with everything I do.  I also plan on always being a leader so doing what’s right and lastly always willing to help in what is needed.




As of now there are definitely places in where I can improve or collaborate more with the terms G.O.A.L.S.  I do think I can get involved more with other clubs and organizations and getting to know more individuals as well.  I do think I can do more community service and be more willing to help.  I know being a commuter is not an excuse but sometimes it is hard to stay for events.  This up coming semester I will for sure try to stay more and do more service and see what I can help with.  This also goes for joining clubs and organizations.



This upcoming semester, I would like to focus my goal on “Leadership Development.”  When I last mentioned a goal it involved getting involved in clubs and then Covid hit.  This made it hard to get involved because everything was online and I worked so the clubs that I was interested in joining had meeting when I was unavailable.  The made it harder for me to join, sadly. This upcoming semester, since life will return to somewhat normal, I do plan on staying on campus if the clubs I want to join are in person or if not more my schedule around to get involved in more organizations. I have a few in mind and hopefully things go as planned!



A personal goal that I have in mind is to start volunteering at my old elementary school and start to get a sense of what goes on in a classroom.  Overall I would like to observe and see what goes on before school starts and afterwards.  I would like to volunteer if my schedule and the elementary school allows maybe one a week.  A better way to describe it would be like an additional placement similar to the ones I have done.  I will be reaching out to some of my old teachers and see what they advise and then we will go from there!




This artifact is not an academically related but it has helped me achieve and demonstrate growth.  When I first started as a waitress I was very shy and nervous to talk to customers.  Now I am extremely talkative once I know you and I have also stepped out of my comfort zone.  From my opinion my job here has helped me open up and be more social to everyone.  I am less shy and more confident which has helped me create new friendships as well, so in conclusion it has helped me achieve growth from an outgoing point of view. Image result for steak n shake





Another artifact that represent my academic interest this time is my mentor Kevin Morrrissey.  I think joining the mentor program with ACES and being paired with Kevin will help me along the way because we are both education majors.  Kevin will be a great help with helping me grow in my field and being aware of events related to education as well.  Kevin is very supportive and is very positive as well and is always there for advice.  He is also really good at listening and I am very excited to have been paired up to someone who is in the same field as me!  I know that if I have any questions related education I know I can ask him!




A year has past, which now makes it my second and last year in ACES!  Time flies really quick and just like that I scheduled my junior classes!  Artifact three is about me joining the Early Childhood Program officially!  One of my goals of last year was to be accepted into the program, since it is very competitive but since there were some changes due to the program I am officially in!  I am and was very happy of the news because I did not want to not be accepted and have gone though all those courses and possibly change my major, but now I can keep going forward! I really look forward to seeing where my path leads me.  One thing for sure is that I am happy and love being in a classroom with kids!





Aside from the interesting time that has passed from going to spring break and not coming back due to Covid-19 and now going into my junior year there were other non education changes that happened.  I declared a Spanish minor so that is an accomplishment that was unexpected and not exciting.  A even more exciting news is that I got a puppy over this past year.

His name is Benny and he is a year and four months.  He is a trouble maker but has made this past year full of excitement and happiness especially with everything that went on and I am extremely happy that he came into my families life!

About Me

My name is Yaretzi Fabiola and I am a first year at Ohio State.  My intended major is Early Childhood Education with a minor in Spanish and possibly later on a minor in general business as well.  I really enjoy math a lot even though this semester Math 1125 has been a challenge I still enjoy it.  Some clubs that I plan on joining are LSA and HBSA once I start taking my business minor classes.  My long term goal would be to get accepted into the bachelor program for Early Childhood and then once graduating teach at South Western City Schools.  I like South Western schools because it is a very diverse district and another reason is that I went to South Western as well.  Some other fun facts about me are that I am the oldest out of three (including myself).  I have a younger sister and brother.  I also know how to play the guitar and clarinet.  I marched the clarinet four four years in my high school marching band.  That’s a little about me!