Shanshan visited Columbus for the first time since her graduation in 2019. I was very happy to see her again in Cockins Hall for so many fond memories and her work that led to many new directions! We had a great time over dinner with my current students.
Author: Yoonkyung Lee
Department’s 50th Anniversary
The department’s golden anniversary event was a great success! It was so nice to see our alumni, old colleagues, friends, and current students together for celebration of this milestone!
A Special Mug
I got a surprise gift from the Department Chair today. My mug design for celebration of the Department’s golden anniversary this year got literally materialized! Thank you, Elly! My design concept is that understanding and learning from variation is the essence of what we do. So, I went with a design that looks like a histogram with each letter of STATISTICS as a bin or category, and to emphasize the 50th anniversary, I stacked the number 5 and 0 for the bars in the histogram.
JSM in Portland
Lun’s Graduation
Lun Li graduates with PhD. Congratulations Lun!
Summer Reading
I organized a reading group again in the summer session with several students (Zehao, Arkajyoti, and Ziyu). The group had fun reading papers on case influence, model sensitivity, and their relation to predictivity and interpretability and had open discussions at the brand new Koch conference room. See this website for a list of papers.
Ruochen’s Graduation
Ruochen Huang graduates with PhD. Congratulations Ruochen and best wishes!
JSM Presentations
Summer Reading
During the summer session, I read papers on interesting risk patterns of prediction models in overparameterized regimes with a group of students (Haotian, Xuerong, Arko, Lloyd, Sayoni, and Yumo). The group had readers theater on the last day, which was fun! See this website for more information.
Deep Learning Summer School at TDAI
The Foundations of Data Science and AI Community of Practice (CoP) at TDAI has its inaugural summer school on deep learning from June 1-3. See TDAI News on this event.