My Top Five Strengths

I, personally, don’t see the purpose of the strengths assignment. It didn’t teach me anything I didn’t already know about myself and the strengths just seem pointless to know. However, my top five strengths are: consistency, developer, harmony, input, and restorative. Consistency means that I generally treat people the same while developer shows that I am able to help develop other people’s talents. The harmony strength means that, basically, I don’t like confrontation, which is true. Input means that I really enjoy learning and the restorative strength tells me that I am adept at dealing with problems. The only strengths I really see playing a role in my academic are input and restorative. Input showing that I will continue to learn as I grow older because I enjoy learning new things and the restorative strength shows that I will deal with any problems that occur throughout my gaining of new knowledge. I suppose I could see consistency and harmony playing a role in my social life. Treating everyone the same through the consistency strength would be something that friends would appreciate. Meanwhile, harmony would mean that I would try very hard to keep the peace between friends so I would help to keep fighting to a minimum. Consistency and restorative strengths would both play a role in my future. Consistency would be good for when I eventually get a job, my employers and coworkers will appreciate the fact that I can and will treat all of them the same. The restorative strength will also be helpful for when I get a job as I will be good at dealing with problems that can arise in the workforce. I don’t really see any of my strengths working together except for the fact that they all apparently exist in me.

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