Normality and Delegative Democracy
The readings for this week pose a very interesting variation to all the cases we have seen from the aftermaths of the transition. Even if the case is, as we saw during the last couple of weeks – that there…
Authoritarianism or Democracy in Latin America?
After reading Collier and Chapter 3, there are some ideas about the construction of Authoritarian regimes in Latin America that I want to discuss. Firstly, it was interesting to read about the relationship between industrialization and political transformations. Collier parts from…
Relationship between Democratization and Development, is there a need for causation?
Even if the waves of democratization in Latin America raise important questions regarding the endurability of democracy versus the other regime types, Fukuyama, Valenzuela and Valenzuela, and Smith, also consider questions about the relationship (whether causal or not) between democracy…
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