The Ohio State University
The Two Sides to Quota Laws for Female Representation in Latin American Politics

The Two Sides to Quota Laws for Female Representation in Latin American Politics

This week’s readings discussed the implications of elections and accountable representation in Latin America, with particular focus on the resurgence of the left and modern gender gaps in the electorate. Specifically, Jana Morgan’s article, “The Latin American Voter”, points out…

Proposal for a new idea to cure the issue of agency in Latin American education systems

For this week’s reading on Social and Economic Inequality, Francis Fukuyama analyzes the socioeconomic issues of Latin America, and recommends that “anyone earnestly interested in democracy in Latin America [should] formulate a serious social policy agenda—one that targets substantial resources…

Parent Figure or Partner?

Parent Figure or Partner?

This week’s chapter from the textbook, “Global Contexts, International Forces”, analyzes the political, social, and economic impacts from outside actors in Latin America, mainly during the 1900’s.  It explains how interference from international actors delayed the process of democratization and…