Democracy in Latin America in no easy task.
Dominic Ciano Alexandra Castillo Latin American Politics November 27th 2016 Democracy is not easy task The themes for this week were the struggles democracy has gone through and continues to go through in Latin America. To this day Chile, Colombia,…
Venezuela’s crisis is effecting surrounding states Skim
Dominic Ciano Ms. Castillo Latin American Politics November 23 2016 The Venezuelan crisis effects other Latin American States Who: Venezuelan citizens going across the boarder into Colombia to get food, toiletries, and other basic necessities. Many Venezuelans are going to…
Skim Extra Credit: El Salvador
Dominic Ciano Ms. Castillo Latin American Politics November 10 2016 Tony Saca Arrested on Fraud Charges What: El Salvador’s former president Tony Saca, who held office from 2004 to 2009. Was arrested for alleged money laundering in October 2016. Prosecutors…
Parties and Democracy
This weeks reading was over the importance of political parties for democracy. Levitsky and Cameron make several good points of why parties are important in Latin America and I personally agree with most of it. A few are that parties…
Insurgents and the path to democracy.
The readings this week were very interesting in talking about the paths of democracy. Especially in Woods reading talking about the “insurgent path of democracy”. Economic elites in Latin America were at first reluctant to democratization. They were able to…