Race in Latin America
Over the last decades the political power and representation of marginalized ethnic groups in Latin America has drastically increased, but to understand why these groups had previously marginalized, we must look back into Latin American history. Historically, independence movements (such…
Blog Post Schoultz
Next week’s reading on Schoultz’s “Benevolent Domination: The Ideology of U.S Policy toward Cuba” discusses the stance of the United States on Cuba, the history between American-Cuban relations, the reasons as to why these relations were the way they were,…
Blog Post- New Authoritarianism
Next week’s reading on Collier’s “The New Authoritarianism in Latin America” talks about how the correlation between socio-economic modernization and democracy does not fit with Latin America. Collier uses O’Donnell’s research on Latin American regime types and regime transitions to conclude that…