The Ohio State University

Democratic Consolidation

This coming week we will be discussing the idea of democratic consolidation within Latin America. Our required reading looks at the specific case of Peru in the late 20th century, where its president Alberto Fujimori led the 1992 autogolpe. This…

Week 6: Transistions to Democracy in the Post-Cold War Era

This coming week we will be discussing the rise and eventual stagnation of democracy in Latin America. “Latin American Democratization since 1978” by Scott Mainwaring and Aníbal Pérez-Liñán in particular discusses the significant increase of democratic and semi-democratic Latin American…

Blog Post 2- Authoritarianism by Mitch Albyn

This coming week’s reading of Chapter 3: “The Military: Heading for the Exits?” discusses the rise and eventual fall of militaristic governments in Latin America. In the military’s assertion of power over civilian control, there are often serious violations of…