The Ohio State University

Democratic Erosions in Latin America

“Cross-Currents in Latin America” by Scott Mainwaring and Anibal Perez Li~nan talks about the various democratization trends in Latin America and how it has developed over time. Although Brazil becomes a stronger democracy in Latin America, democracies in Guatemala, Haiti,…

Why Economic Inequality and Low Economic Growth Might Threaten Democracy?

Cordova and Seligson’s (2010) studies prove that low economic development and low economic growth, and high economic inequality, can escalate the democratic vulnerabilities in Latin America and the Caribbean. However, these economic conditions affect people differently at the individual level….

theSkimm article for 11/12/2016

theSkimm November 12th, 2016 Quote of The Day: “We’re ready to talk so we can explain the strategic importance of NAFTA for the region,” Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said on Thursday 11/10/2016.   THE STORY: Mexico says that they…

Could Latin America Be the Next Sweden?

The reading for this week by Huber and Solt (2004) describes the success and failure of neoliberalism in Latin America. Huber and Solt use five main indicators to measure the growth regarding the development model. These measurements consist of growth,…