Skim Extra Credit: El Salvador

Dominic Ciano
Ms. Castillo
Latin American Politics
November 10 2016
Tony Saca Arrested on Fraud Charges

El Salvador’s former president Tony Saca, who held office from 2004 to 2009. Was arrested for alleged money laundering in October 2016. Prosecutors are saying that Saca can not clarify the origins of $5 million to $6.5 million in assets he acquired during his time in office.
Not only is former president Saca under investigations but police are also saying that six former officials in Saca’s government were also arrested. Saca was part of the GANA party (Grand Alliance for National Unity). One official was Elmer Charlie who was the former private secretary. He allegedly had 5.8 million in a private bank accounts. Former president Mauricio Funes, who succeeded Saca is also under investigation. Funes governed from 2009 to 2014. He has currently taken asylum in Nicaragua.
El Salvador which is the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America. El Salvador’s population is currently at 6,377,195. As of 2015 El Salvador’s GDP was at $52.666 billion. Saca and two government officials were arrested at one of Saca’s children’s wedding.
Why is this important?
It seems that El Salvador is having a huge issue with dirty politics. Even the president that succeeded Saca is under investigation. The corruption has tainted several high level officials. Millions of tax payer money is being diverted. When Saca took office he declared a fortune of $3.6 million. Five years later his fortune has grown to $13.1 million. This is a huge issue and hopefully El Salvador can get to the bottom the corruption.
Since these arrest just happen in October 2016 not to much has surfaced on a trail or more details. Here soon I’m sure we will hear what will happen and how this has happened. It seems that corruption to the highest office has been happening in El Salvador.
