The Ohio State University

Week 6: Transitions to Democracy in the Post-Cold War Era

This week’s readings focused on transitions to democracy in Latin America in the post-Cold War Era. The authors of each piece analyze these transitions to democracy during this specific time period through interesting perspectives. Mainwaring and Perez-Linan argue that while many…

Democracy Put to the Test: The Unique Situation of the Colombian Political System

This week’s readings were centered on the relatively recent wave of democratization in Latin America that has occurred since the 1990s. Manwairing explained how this wave of democratization was extremely unique and went against many theoretical models of how democratization…

The Value of Liberty: Transitions to Democracy in a Post-Cold War World

When Americans turned on their televisions on the 9th of November, 1989 and watched the collapse of the Berlin Wall many correctly saw that a new era in world politics was about to begin. The world watched as Germans ripped…

Democratic Stagnation Post Cold War

The period of democratization in Latin America between 1992 and 2003 post Cold War was a very unique time of transition. Unlike the Cold War era, this period was not marked by multitudes of military coups that lead to authoritarian…

Week 6: Transistions to Democracy in the Post-Cold War Era

This coming week we will be discussing the rise and eventual stagnation of democracy in Latin America. “Latin American Democratization since 1978” by Scott Mainwaring and Aníbal Pérez-Liñán in particular discusses the significant increase of democratic and semi-democratic Latin American…