The Ohio State University

Blog Post- New Authoritarianism

Next week’s reading on Collier’s “The New Authoritarianism in Latin America” talks about how the correlation between socio-economic modernization and democracy does not fit with Latin America.  Collier uses O’Donnell’s research on Latin American regime types and regime transitions to conclude  that…

Blog Post 2- Authoritarianism by Mitch Albyn

This coming week’s reading of Chapter 3: “The Military: Heading for the Exits?” discusses the rise and eventual fall of militaristic governments in Latin America. In the military’s assertion of power over civilian control, there are often serious violations of…

Skimm Extra Credit for 8/29

Quote of the Day:   “Make Mexico Great Again, Also!” -quote on a hat worn by Rudy Giuliani and Senator Jeff Sessions   We’re Not Paying for That… The Story: The Republican Presidential Candidate for the United States, Donald Trump,…