The Ohio State University
Skimm for L.A. Politics, Week of 10/31/2016

Skimmed while recovering from a tonsillectomy! Quote of the Day:   “This government is going to fall!”   -Shouted by protestors who filled Caracas’ highways this week in protest of the Maduro government   Determined to end 17 years of…

Skimm Extra Credit The Story: Fidel Castro burial ends 9 days of mourning in Cuba   Why was he significant: Castro was celebrated by figures such as Nelson Mandela because he was seen as putting an end to an apartheid…

Quote of the Day “I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy” – John Adams   “A revolution is coming – a revolution which will be peaceful if we are wise…

“Cross-Currents in Latin America” by Scott Mainwaring and Anibal Perez Li~nan talks about the various democratization trends in Latin America and how it has developed over time. Although Brazil becomes a stronger democracy in Latin America, democracies in Guatemala, Haiti,…

The Cross-Currents in Latin America basically refers to the trends at which democracy was attained or consolidated was mixed or influenced by non-democratic tenets or features. Many countries in Latin America and other parts of the world which have attained…

Has democratization weakened in the region of Latin America? Since the beginning of the millennium, it appears that the results are mixed. Depending on who you ask it can either be a positive answer or a negative one. Before going…

Future developments for Democracy in Latin America The future of Latin America is questionable because democracies are not performing the way they are intended.  The article Cross-Currents In Latin America, suggest that Democracy is failing to have consistency and longevity…

Dominic Ciano Alexandra Castillo Latin American Politics November 27th 2016 Democracy is not easy task The themes for this week were the struggles democracy has gone through and continues to go through in Latin America. To this day Chile, Colombia,…

Escobar spends a fleeting moment in Congress before being revealed as a violent drug trafficker (1984)

In chapter 12 and the Epilogue of Smith’s book, we are given a concise summary of the history of democracy in Latin America and are presented with some questions and forecasts for the future of democracy in the region. In…

Quote of the Day: “The friendships we’ve established with countries like Peru, the reopening of diplomatic relations with Cuba, investments we’re making in trade, environmental policies and so forth — all those things I expect to continue,” says a very…