
Selected Publications – Grinstead, Nibert & Jasso

Grinstead, J. & Sorine, N. (2024). The Lexicon and Morphosyntax of Child Spanish as Predictors of Inhibition. Behavioral Sciences, 14(12).

Grinstead, John, Padilla-Reyes, Ramón, Oates, Morgan, & Nieves Rivera, Melissa. (2024). Piecewise Structural Equation Modeling of the collective implicature in child language. Language Acquisition. 

Dickinson, K. V., Ortiz-Ramírez, P., Arrieta-Zamudio, A., Grinstead, J., & Flores-Avalos, B. (2023). Overt Subject Pronoun Use in Switch-Reference Contexts in Child Spanish DLD: A Discriminant Function Analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 66(February), 605-619. 

Grinstead, J., Ortiz-Ramírez, P., Carreto-Guadarrama, X., Arrieta-Zamudio, A., Pratt, A., Cantú-Sánchez, M., Lefcheck, J. and Melamed, D. (2023). Piecewise Structural Equation Modeling of the Quantity Implicature in Child Language. Language and Speech. 1-33. doi:

Winters, K. L., Jasso, J., Pustejovsky, J. E., & Byrd, C. T. (2022). Investigating narrative performance in children with developmental language disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65(2), 3908–3929.

Grinstead, J., Kirk, S., Pratt, A., & Arrieta-Zamudio, A. (2022). Predicting Scalar Implicature Interpretations from Lexical Knowledge. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 66, 178-189.

Lingwall-Odio, A., & Grinstead, J. (2022). Collective-Distributive Interpretations in Bilingual Spanish-English-Speaking Children. Isogloss, 8((4)/5), 1-24. doi:

Anaya-Ramírez, A., Grinstead, J., Nieves-Rivera, M., Melamed, D., & Reig-Alamillo, A. (2022). Is the Spanish masculine grammatical gender really generic? An experimental approach to the interpretation of masculine plural noun phrases in oral speech. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43(6), 1257-1274.

Kirk, S., Grinstead, J., & Nibert, H. (2021). Anxiety, Lexicon and Morphosyntax in Instructed L2 Spanish, Foreign Language Annals, 1-15.

Grinstead, J. (2021). Interface Delay. Journal of Child Language, 48, 888-906.

Grinstead, J., Padilla-Reyes, R., & Nieves-Rivera, M. (2021). A Collective-Distributive Pragmatic Scale and the Developing Lexicon. Language Learning and Development, 17(1). doi:

Roa-Rojas, P., Grinstead, J., Silva-Pereyra, J., Fernández, T., & Rodríguez-Camacho, M. (2021). Syntactic Gender Agreement Processing on Direct-Object Clitics by Spanish-Speaking Children with Developmental Language Disorder: Evidence from ERP. Children, 8(175). doi:

Jasso, J., & Potratz, J. (2020). Assessing speech sound disorders in school-age children from diverse language backgrounds: A tutorial with three case studies. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 5(3), 714–725.

Jasso, J., McMillen, S. M., Anaya, J. B., Bedore, L. M., & Peña, E. D. (2020). The utility of an English semantic measure for identifying developmental language disorders in Spanish–English bilinguals. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29(2), 776–788.

Pratt, A., Grinstead, J., & McCauley, R. (2020). Emergent Literacy in Spanish-Speaking Children With Developmental Language Disorder: Preliminary Findings of Delays in Comprehension- and Code-Related Skills. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 4193-4207.

Grinstead, J., Padilla-Reyes, R., & Flores-Avalos, B. (2019). Inhibition, General Lexical Development and the Quantity Implicature in Child Spanish. Poster presented at the Boston University Conference on Language Development.

Grinstead, J., Vega-Mendoza, M., & Goodall, G. (2018). Inversion and Finiteness in Spanish and English: Developmental Evidence From the Optional Infinitive and Optional Inversion Stages. Language, 94(3), 575-610.

Grinstead, John, Lintz, Paij, Pratt, Amy, Vega-Mendoza, Mariana, De la Mora, Juliana, Cantú-Sánchez, Myriam, et al. (2018). Null Subject Licensing in Monolingual Spanish SLI: A Discriminant Function Analysis. Languages, 3(17). doi:

Grinstead, John, Lintz, Paij, De la Mora, Juliana, Cantú-Sánchez, Myriam, & Flores-Avalos, Blanca (2016). Prototypical tense-aspect alignment and the tense deficit in the spontaneous speech of Spanish-speaking children with SLI. Probus, 28(1), 145-163.

Grinstead, J. (2016). Root Infinitives in Child Language and the Structure of the Clause. In J. Lidz, W. Snyder & J. Pater (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics (pp. 241-266). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Nibert, H. & Abbott, A. (2015). Día a día. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Zayas-Bazán, E., Bacon, S. & Nibert, H. (2015 Release, Sixth Edition). ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Grinstead, J., Donnellan, M., Barajas, J., & Johnson, M. (2014). Pronominal Case and Verbal Finiteness Contingencies in Child English. Applied Psycholinguistics, 35, 275-311.

Grinstead, J., Lintz, P., Vega-Mendoza, M., De la Mora, J., Cantú-Sánchez, M., & Flores-Avalos, B. (2014). Evidence of optional infinitive verbs in the spontaneous speech of Spanish-speaking children with SLI. Lingua, 140, 52-66.

Grinstead, J., McCurley, D., Pratt, T., Obregon, P., & Flores, B. (2013). The Semantics of the Tense Deficit in Child Spanish SLI. In M. Becker, J. Grinstead & J. Rothman (Eds.), Generative Linguistics and Acquisition: Studies in Honor of Nina M. Hyams (pp. 107-128). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Becker, M., Grinstead, J., & Rothman, J. (Eds.). (2013). Generative Linguistics and Language Acquisition: Studies in Honor of Nina M. Hyams. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Grinstead, J., Baron, A., Vega-Mendoza, M., De la Mora, J., Cantú-Sánchez, M., & Flores, B. (2013). Tense Marking and Spontaneous Speech Measures in Spanish SLI – A Discriminant Function Analysis. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56 (February), 1-12.

Nibert, H. (2012). Student Activities Manual for ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura, Sixth Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Zayas-Bazán, E., Bacon, S. & Nibert, H. (2012, Sixth Edition). ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Grinstead, J. (2011). Non-compositional Forms and the Continuity Assumption. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 34(3), 303-308.

Grinstead, J. (2010). Linguistic Interfaces and Child Spanish. In L. Domínguez & P. Guijarro-Fuentes (Eds.), Proceedings of the Romance Turn 3 (pp. 189-218). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Grinstead, J., De la Mora, J., Pratt, A., & Flores, B. (2009). Temporal interface delay and root nonfinite verbs in Spanish-speaking children with specific language impairment – Evidence from the grammaticality choice task. In J. Grinstead (Ed.), Hispanic child languages: typical and impaired development (pp. 239-263). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Grinstead, J., De la Mora, J., Vega-Mendoza, M., & Flores, B. (2009). An Elicited Production Test of the Optional Infinitive Stage in Child Spanish. In J. Crawford, K. Otaki & M. Takahashi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Conference of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition – North America (pp. 36-45). University of Connecticut, Storrs: Cascadilla Press.

Grinstead, J., Pratt, T., & McCurley, D. (2009). Comprehension of Prototypical Tense and Aspect Combinations in Child Spanish. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 2(2), 435-450.

Grinstead, J., & Spinner, P. (2009). The Clausal Left Periphery in Child Spanish & German. Probus, 21(1), 51-82.

Grinstead, J. (Ed.). (2009). Hispanic child languages: Typical and impaired development. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Zayas-Bazán, E., Bacon, S. & Nibert, H. (2008, Fifth Edition). ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Grinstead, J., Cantú-Sánchez, M., & Flores, B. (2008). Canonical and Epenthetic Plural Marking in Spanish-Speaking Children with Specific Language Impairment. Language Acquisition, 15, 329-349.

Nibert, H. (2006). The Acquisition of the Phrase Accent by Beginning Adult Learners of Spanish as a Second Language. In Manuel Díaz-Campos (Ed.), Selected Proceedings of the Second Conference on Laboratory Approaches to Spanish Phonetics and Phonology, 131-148. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Nibert, H. (2005). The Acquisition of the Phrase Accent by Intermediate and Advanced Adult Learners of Spanish as a Second Language. In David Eddington (Ed.), Selected Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as First and Second Languages, 108-122. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Grinstead, J. (2004). Subjects and Interface Delay in Child Spanish and Catalan. Language, 80(1), 40-72.

Nibert, H. (2002). The exaggerated Hispanic voices of Hank Azaria in The Birdcage and America’s Sweethearts. Journal of American and Comparative Cultures, 25(1-2), 220-3.

Grinstead, J. (2001). Wh- Movement in Child Catalan. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 12(1), 5-28.

Nibert, H. (2000). Phonetic and Phonological Evidence for Intermediate Phrasing in Spanish Intonation. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Grinstead, J. (2000). Constraints on the computational component vs. grammar in the lexicon – a discussion of Bates & Goodman. Journal of Child Language, 27(3), 737-743.

Grinstead, J. (2000). Case, inflection and subject licensing in child Catalan and Spanish. Journal of Child Language, 27(1), 119-155.

Nibert, H. (1999). A perception study of intermediate phrasing in Spanish intonation. In Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach and Fernando Martínez-Gil (Eds.), Advances in Hispanic Linguistics: Papers from the Second Hispanic Linguistics Sympo­sium, v.1, 231-247. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.

Nibert, H. (1998). Processes of vowel harmony in the Servigliano dialect of Italian – A comparison of two non-linear proposals for the representation of vowel height. Probus, 10(1), 67-101.

Grinstead, J., MacSwan, J., Curtiss, S., & Gelman, R. (1998). The Independence of Language and Number. In A. Greenhill, M. Hughes, H. Littlefield & H. Walsh (Eds.), Proceedings of the Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Vol. 22, pp. 303-313). Somerville, MA.

Grinstead, J. (1998). Subjects, Sentential Negation and Imperatives in Child Spanish and Catalan. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, UCLA.

Prieto, P., Nibert, H., & Shih, C. (1996). The absence or presence of a declination effect on the descent of F0 peaks? Evidence from Mexican Spanish. In Karen Zagona (Ed.), Grammatical Theory and Romance Languages, 197-207. Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Prieto, P., Shih, C., & Nibert, H. (1996). Pitch downtrend in Spanish. Journal of Phonetics, 24, 445-473.

Prieto, P., Nibert, H., & Shih, C. (1995). Effects of phrasal length and time distance between peaks on peak height in Mexican Spanish. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 730-734. Stockholm, Sweden.

Grinstead, J. (1994). The Emergence of Nominative Case Assignment in Child Catalan and Spanish. Unpublished Master’s Thesis, UCLA, Los Angeles.